All Local government articles – Page 29

  • Jon Rouse

    Department of Health official to be devo Manc chief officer


    Jon Rouse will take over from Ian Williamson Mr Rouse will step down as director general for social care, local government and care partnerships at the Department of Health NHS England said his “extensive experience” will help deliver the region’s “ambitious goals” The senior official for social care ...

  • top chief executives leader

    Revealed: The leaders chosen for 41 of England's STPs


    NHS England confirms the leaders for 41 of 44 “sustainability and transformation plan” footprints List includes 18 provider chief executives, 18 CCG leaders and three from local authorities Three areas yet to confirm their STP lead NHS England has confirmed the individuals who will lead five year transformation ...

  • Jim McManus, director of public health, Hertfordshire CC

    The NHS has shunted HIV costs on to councils


    Jim McManus says the decision over HIV prevention funding has serious implications for other costs

  • Andrew Lansley

    Andrew Lansley: Devolution does not reverse the Health Act


    Devolution may have failed in New Labour’s hands but it can succeed with a different strategy and minset

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Councillors to warn Hunt over NHS 'hijack' of STPs


    Local government is being “left out in the cold” by the NHS in the rush to develop sustainability and transformation plans, leading councillors have claimed.

  • Oxford

    CCG supports bid to scrap county council in major reorganisation


    Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group has backed a bid for a major reorganisation of local government in the county, which would see the abolition of the county council.

  • Nurse monitoring patient on bed

    Analysed: The best and worst regions for delayed transfers of care


    Delayed transfers of care have risen steadily for the past two years and are becoming a major area of policy focus during 2016. HSJ’s detailed analysis of local delayed transfers figures reveals:

  • Town hall sign
    HSJ Local

    Revealed: CCG and councils planning to form ‘one organisation’


    Councils and clinical commissioning groups in Greater Manchester are being encouraged to integrate their commissioning functions, as part of the region’s devolution project.

  • Charity donation bucket

    Commissioners 'must do more with voluntary sector'


    Chair of government review of funding and links with voluntary, community and social enterprise says commissioners not doing enough to engage with sector Levers and incentives need to change, he says Call for use of wider mix of funding, including social prescribing, personal budgets and social investment Incentives ...

  • South Devon
    HSJ Local

    Financially challenged Devon makes devolution bid


    “Heart of the South West” bids for five year devolved budgets for health, care and public health Region includes Northern, Eastern and Western Devon CCG, which has the biggest CCG cumulative deficit in England Somerset CCG and South Devon and Torbay CCG also part of the bid DEVOLUTION: ...

  • mental health depressed elderly woman wheelchair
    HSJ Local

    Learning disability patients in limbo after funding dispute


    Lancashire County Council has refused to meet the costs of patients being resettled in the community Council says NHS dowries “not enough” to fund care Some discharges already delayed by the dispute Care costs can be as much as £300,000 a year PATIENT EXPERIENCE: A funding dispute threatens ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Government to act on every Carter recommendation


    Government endorses “all” of Lord Carter’s recommendations NHS Improvement says it “fully supports” the efficiency review Finance chiefs welcome the report but urge caution over implementation Health secretary Jeremy Hunt has backed Lord Carter’s review into NHS efficiency, and said the government “will act upon all his recommendations”.

  • AH Focus Groups 2

    'Clear objectives' needed before health devolution


    Areas should shun health devolution if integration initiatives with social care are working well.

  • GP with male patient
    HSJ Local

    Health on the back burner in southern devolution bid


    Complex integration left to later stage by Surrey, East and West Sussex

  • East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    Kent A&E faces downgrade


    ACUTE CARE: Emergency services at the Kent and Canterbury Hospital could be downgraded because of concerns that trainee doctors being left to cope with potentially seriously ill surgical patients.

  • NHS estates

    NHS business rates challenge could cost 'hundreds of millions'


    Councils could face a wave of claims for business rate refunds from NHS foundation trusts in cases that revolve around whether trusts should enjoy the mandatory rate relief accorded to charities and certain other bodies.

  • social care one use

    Quarter of CCGs’ BCF contributions to shrink


    Nearly a quarter of clinical commissioning groups will be allowed to contribute less to the better care fund next year than the minimum requirement in 2015-16, NHS England has confirmed.

  • David prior

    Government opens less radical route for NHS devolution


    Devolution bill passes final stage in the Lords - bill now awaiting Royal Assent Lords accept amendment allowing a less radical version of devolution in which NHS commissioners would remain accountable NHS organisations will be able to share NHS responsibilties with local government as part of new ‘devolution’ ...

  • Duncan Selbie

    Selbie to chair North East health devolution commission


    Public Health England chief executive Duncan Selbie has been appointed chair of the North East’s commission for health and social care integration.

  • integration town hall

    Better care fund £1bn payment for performance scheme axed


    £1bn of pooled health and social care funding will no longer be subject to national rules Providers and commissioners instructed to produce plans to cut delayed transfers New “streamlined” assurance process for better care fund plans Changes welcomed by CCGs and councils Ministers have axed the £1bn payment ...