Black Country ICS

Money, finance and accounts

Consultants sent in to tackle overspending at nine ICSs


NHS England has ordered nine integrated care systems to bring in management consultants to find ways to immediately bring down spending because of concerns over their finances, HSJ can reveal.

money coins finance

ICBs locked in dispute over emergency care funding


An integrated care board has accused a neighbouring ICB of demanding too much money for services provided to patients accessing care outside its boundaries.

Mobile phone

Threefold ICS variation in GP phone access revealed


Patients trying to reach their GP are almost three times as likely to fail to get through in the worst-performing integrated care systems than the best, according to analysis of new annual figures. 

Nurse doctor hospital

Leak reveals systems planning to cut permanent staff


NHS organisations across two integrated care systems are planning a cut to their total substantive workforce this year, as part of plans to save money.


New hospital set to open with £40m running cost gap


A new hospital which has taken over a decade to deliver will open without all the funding needed to run it, the trust’s chief executive has warned.

People power network

ICSs where staffing has grown by a quarter revealed


The NHS increased its substantive workforce by around 18 per cent over the past four years, which was almost double the rate of increase over the previous period.


Trust’s ‘leadership behaviour’ attacked by six ICBs


Six integrated care board chiefs in the Midlands have written to an ambulance trust over a “pattern of behaviour” they claim its leadership team has displayed since its Care Quality Commission rating was downgraded.

PG 2 - Caroline Walker 2018

Interim CEO named after failure to replace 40-year trust boss


An interim CEO has been appointed to take the helm of two Black Country trusts while they re-run a recruitment process.

finance money coins

NHSE ‘treads tightrope’ with new cash bailout for deficit ICSs


NHS England is set to give around £650m to some health systems to offset financial deficits and ease cash pressures, HSJ has learned.

Money, finance and accounts

Nearly a third of ICSs admit finance plans will be missed


At least 13 integrated care systems have now admitted they will miss the financial plans they signed up for at the start of the year.

David Loughton

Trusts fail to appoint group CEO


Two acute trusts in the Midlands have failed to fill their group CEO role despite 12 applicants being considered for the position, HSJ has learned.


Leak reveals trust omitting two-year waits from reported figures


A hospital trust has been breaching national guidance by excluding some long waiters from its reported waiting list figures, in a move experts warned could put patient safety at serious risk.

empty board room meeting

Consultants vote ‘no confidence’ in trust board


The consultants committee at a mental health trust has passed two ‘no confidence’ votes in its board, after the medical director was unexpectedly ‘removed’ from his duties.

David Loughton

40-year CEO chooses not to ‘keep going forever’


A group CEO who is one of the longest-serving leaders in the NHS is retiring after four decades as a chief executive.

Money, finance and accounts

Exclusive: Government and NHS in talks over £1bn funding gap


Government is in talks with national NHS leaders over how to fill an urgent funding gap of at least £1bn this financial year, HSJ has learned, as new analysis shows all 42 local integrated care systems were behind their own plans less than halfway through 2023-24.

Exec paybill rose to £800k despite trust being deemed ‘too small’


A new NHS trust deemed ‘too small’ after taking on just £24m worth of services has reported a significant increase in spending on its executive team.

West Midlands Ambulance Service FT 2

‘Great’ trust seen as ‘insular and dismissive of integration’


A “great” ambulance trust’s “uncompromising” focus on outcomes and its own performance has been a barrier to system working and affected relationships with partners, an external review has advised it.

Digital innovation

Revealed: First ICS digital maturity ratings


HSJ  can reveal the first ratings given to every integrated care system for the ‘digital maturity’ of its NHS providers.


Pioneering trust facing last-ditch talks as merger bid fails


Local NHS bosses are holding last-ditch talks over the future of a trust which was supposed to hold a ‘landmark’ integrated care contract worth £360m, after efforts to merge it with other organisations failed, HSJ has learned.