Finance chief to lead system
An integrated care board has appointed the finance chief of a neighbouring system to be its new chief executive.
Competition watchdog finds in favour of commissioner for first time
The Independent Patient Choice and Procurement Panel has ruled in favour of a public body for the first time after its three previous decisions went against NHS commissioners.
Trusts take ‘uncomfortable’ step to share capital budget
Two large trusts are planning to share their capital allocations as part of their “group” arrangement, in a move its CEO said may feel “a little bit uncomfortable”.
Company drops legal action after ICB files defence
A private provider has dropped its legal claim against an integrated care board after the ICB filed its defence in the High Court.
Emergency prescribing and ‘shared care’ withdrawn by GPs
Emergency prescribing and monitoring of patients with severe mental health conditions are among services being cancelled by GP practices as part of “collective action”.
‘Bullying and racism’ provider faces NHSE investigation
A community services provider at the centre of bullying and racism allegations is being formally investigated by NHS England over its governance arrangements, HSJ can reveal.
ICB faces second lawsuit for patient transport procurement
A health system broke procurement rules when it awarded a patient transport contract to a firm that went bust less than a month after it began providing the service, according to a legal claim brought in the High Court.
Three ICSs responsible for a quarter of very long diagnostic waits
Just three integrated care systems were responsible for nearly one in four 13-week waits for key diagnostic tests in recent months, HSJ analysis of official data has found.
Provider investigating ‘racism and bullying’ complaints
A community services provider has launched an investigation into its staff culture, following concerns including racism and bullying.
CEO and chair resign from community services provider
The chief executive and chair of a large community services provider in the south west have both resigned.
Revealed: Three-fold variation in emergency response time by ICS
A threefold variation in ambulance response for serious, urgent conditions has been revealed in new figures.
Threefold ICS variation in GP phone access revealed
Patients trying to reach their GP are almost three times as likely to fail to get through in the worst-performing integrated care systems than the best, according to analysis of new annual figures.
Exclusive: NHSE begins to claw back funding from ICSs to pay off historic debts
Three-quarters of integrated care systems face funding cuts of up to £20m as a result of NHS England’s insistence they start paying back overspends from previous years, HSJ analysis has discovered.
New £2bn hospital group appoints chair
Two trusts which are forming a hospital group have appointed a new chair.
Revealed: The ICBs most reliant on private hospitals
Up to 20 per cent of NHS elective patients are now being treated by private hospitals in some areas, analysis by HSJ suggests.
Manager and doctor ‘camaraderie’ eroded by strikes, ICBs warn
“Camaraderie” between NHS managers and senior doctors has been eroded during the past year of medical strikes, a review by several integrated care boards has warned.
‘Inadequate’ action on cap-ex changes leading to ‘suboptimal’ decisions
Capital spending plans in some health systems are being adversely impacted by an accounting change that was not supposed to affect operational decisions.
Nearly a third of ICSs admit finance plans will be missed
At least 13 integrated care systems have now admitted they will miss the financial plans they signed up for at the start of the year.
City’s two acutes to share CEO and chair
A city’s two acute trusts have announced plans to share a chair and chief executive.
Rush to reduce elective backlog increasing ‘never events’, report finds
Moving less complex procedures out of operating theatres and into other care settings to free up capacity to support elective recovery has ‘inadvertently’ increased the risk of ‘never events’ at an acute trust, a report has warned.