Cornwall and The Isles of Scilly ICS

Mobile phone

Threefold ICS variation in GP phone access revealed


Patients trying to reach their GP are almost three times as likely to fail to get through in the worst-performing integrated care systems than the best, according to analysis of new annual figures. 

money coins finance

Exclusive: NHSE begins to claw back funding from ICSs to pay off historic debts


Three-quarters of integrated care systems face funding cuts of up to £20m as a result of NHS England’s insistence they start paying back overspends from previous years, HSJ  analysis has discovered.

Computer data

Whole health system’s IT goes down


An ICS is dealing with a “catastrophic” IT failure that is believed to have affected all health providers in the region.

pharmacy medicines management drugs

Revealed: ‘Postcode lottery’ for £645m recovery programme


There is a seven-fold variation between integrated care systems in the uptake of a flagship government primary care access scheme, data has revealed.

agreement, handshake,merger,merge,takeover

Joint ICB/trust committee given binding powers to improve system’s care quality


An integrated care system has agreed to establish a unique body comprising both commissioners and providers, which will be empowered to make binding decisions affecting the entire health economy.

Nick Carding 2023

West Country Chronicle: How an ICB became the best place to work (again)


From Cornwall to the Cotswolds, West Country Chronicle offers essential insight into NHS matters in the South West. Contact me in confidence here.

Nick Carding 2023

West Country Chronicle: An ICB finds inspiration in Brazil


From Cornwall to the Cotswolds, West Country Chronicle offers essential insight into NHS matters in the South West. Contact me in confidence here.


Revealed: The ICSs furthest behind on dental access


Several integrated care systems are struggling to deliver more than half the NHS dental appointments they had hoped for in 2023-24, and all areas are lagging, figures obtained by HSJ suggest.

Nick Carding 2023

West Country Chronicle: Where four out of five CEOs are new


From Cornwall to the Cotswolds, West Country Chronicle offers essential insight into NHS matters in the South West. Contact me in confidence here.

46. Hugh Hastings_Kate Shields_RCHT CEO_Sept 2018

CEO admits ‘risk aversion’ clogging up hospitals


Medics and managers must overcome a system-wide “aversion” to risk after their integrated care system was identified as a national outlier for low numbers of patients discharged home, according to the ICS’s chief executive.

Headshots_Annabelle Collins_HighRes

Mental Health Matters: 12-hour A&E waits rise again


HSJ’s briefing covering safety, quality, performance and finances in the mental health sector, by senior correspondent Annabelle Collins — contact me in confidence.

Nick Carding 2023

West Country Chronicle: A £2.5m bureaucratic nightmare


From Cornwall to the Cotswolds, West Country Chronicle offers essential insight into NHS matters in the South West. Contact me in confidence here.


NHSE acts as performance deteriorates in five systems


Five integrated care systems face escalations in central scrutiny and support following “deterioration” against key urgent and emergency care targets.

Nick Carding 2023

West Country Chronicle: New year, same story?


From Cornwall to the Cotswolds, West Country Chronicle offers essential insight into NHS matters in the South West. Contact me in confidence here.

Royal Shrewsbury Hospital

More patients ‘now dying in A&E’ finds trust review


Ambulance handover delays and 21-hour waits for a bed in accident and emergency contributed to an increase in harm and mortality at a struggling trust, a review has found.

Adam Doyle

HSJ’s 10 most-read integration stories of 2023


As 2023 turns into 2024, we look at the integration stories which climbed their way up the most-read list this year


Health secretary told to intervene over ‘systemic’ ambulance deaths


Ministers must intervene over systemic failures which are ‘too big for hospital or ambulance trusts to fix on their own’ and have led to multiple preventable deaths, a senior coroner has warned.

Nick Carding 2023

West Country Chronicle: Trust’s concern over ‘short-term’ funding agreements


From Cornwall to the Cotswolds, West Country Chronicle offers essential insight into NHS matters in the South West. Contact me in confidence here.

Money, finance and accounts

Exclusive: Government and NHS in talks over £1bn funding gap


Government is in talks with national NHS leaders over how to fill an urgent funding gap of at least £1bn this financial year, HSJ has learned, as new analysis shows all 42 local integrated care systems were behind their own plans less than halfway through 2023-24.

Nick Carding 2023

West Country Chronicle: How a Nightingale hospital is, finally, the answer


From Cornwall to the Cotswolds, West Country Chronicle offers essential insight into NHS matters in the South West. Contact me in confidence here.