Frimley ICS

Mobile phone

Threefold ICS variation in GP phone access revealed


Patients trying to reach their GP are almost three times as likely to fail to get through in the worst-performing integrated care systems than the best, according to analysis of new annual figures. 


Six ICBs require staff to work from office at least one day per week


Six integrated care boards have policies which require hybrid working staff to be in the office either one or two days per week.

Health visitor mother baby postnatal

Trust seeks ‘dialogue’ to avert court row with ICB


Providers who are taking legal action against commissioners have called for a “dialogue” over the risks an underfunded tender would pose to local children and families.


NHSE acts as performance deteriorates in five systems


Five integrated care systems face escalations in central scrutiny and support following “deterioration” against key urgent and emergency care targets.

Dave West 2023

The Integrator: Revamping ICB ratings


Insider tales and must-read analysis on how integration is reshaping health and care systems, NHS providers, primary care, and commissioning. This week by deputy editor Dave West.

Nursing home

Revealed: The ICBs paying a third of care home bills late


Several commissioning boards have been routinely failing to pay the money they owe to care homes in a timely fashion.

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Two more ICBs sued over procurement by NHS trusts


An NHS trust and two social enterprises are taking legal action over a £300m procurement for children’s community health services which they say raises ‘significant concerns about safety’.

Hospital beds

Core bed numbers fall in seven systems, despite NHSE plan


The number of ‘core’ acute beds has fallen in seven health systems since the summer, according to official sitrep data.

Money, finance and accounts

Exclusive: Government and NHS in talks over £1bn funding gap


Government is in talks with national NHS leaders over how to fill an urgent funding gap of at least £1bn this financial year, HSJ has learned, as new analysis shows all 42 local integrated care systems were behind their own plans less than halfway through 2023-24.

Nick Carding 2023

The Download: The case for proper population health management


The fortnightly newsletter that unpacks system leaders’ priorities for digital technology and the impact they are having on delivering health services. This week written by senior correspondent Nick Carding. Contact HSJ in confidence here.


Medicines optimisation: How should value be measured?


The panel at a recent HSJ webinar argued value in medicine goes far beyond a review of the price tag – and expressed optimism that the ICS landscape presents opportunities to develop that broader understanding


‘Cosy’ health and care relationships should be avoided, says NHSE director


Integrated care systems ‘where everybody’s getting on well’ tend to avoid tackling ‘uncomfortable’ – but critical – issues, according to NHS England’s national director of intermediate care and rehabilitation.

Digital innovation

Revealed: First ICS digital maturity ratings


HSJ  can reveal the first ratings given to every integrated care system for the ‘digital maturity’ of its NHS providers.

Digital awards 2023 logo

HSJ Digital Awards 2023: Digital Innovator of the Year


WINNER: Kumar Medical Centre and Frimley Integrated Care Board: Reducing Health Inequalities in Slough 


ICSs most ‘off target’ on recovery named by NHS England


Seven integrated care systems and one ambulance trust have been placed in ‘intensive support’ because of their performance against urgent and emergency care metrics.

Mobile phone

Revealed: the tenfold regional difference in access to GP records


Fewer than one in 10 GP practices offers patients access to their records in several areas of England, with significant variation across England, six months ahead of a new deadline.


Revealed: The integrated care partnerships with no public meetings or minutes


Six integrated care systems have not held any public meetings of their ‘partnership’ boards – and nine have not published any ICP meetings or papers – nearly a year after they were set up.

Breast cancer radiology

Six systems pulled up by NHSE over poor cancer diagnosis performance


NHS England has demanded recovery plans from six systems with a poor record on delivering urgent cancer checks.

Money, finance and accounts

Revealed: the 14 ICSs admitting they will end the year in deficit


At least 14 integrated care systems have now officially admitted they will end the year with a budget deficit, after just five areas said this at the start of the year.


Every ICS on course to bust their agency spending cap


Internal NHS data suggests every integrated care system is set to bust the caps placed on their agency spending, many by over 50 per cent.