Greater Manchester ICS

Mobile phone

Threefold ICS variation in GP phone access revealed


Patients trying to reach their GP are almost three times as likely to fail to get through in the worst-performing integrated care systems than the best, according to analysis of new annual figures. 

Lawrence Dunhill 2023

North by North West: Whittling down the provider numbers


Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.


Trust chief executive moves to ICB


A community trust chief executive is stepping down ahead of the expected introduction of shared leadership with an acute provider, HSJ has learned.


HSJ Podcast: Taking A&E back to the 90s


As the election campaign moves into its final weeks, the shadow health secretary has confirmed a huge policy commitment that wasn’t in the manifesto.

Lawrence Dunhill 2023

North by North West: Board nods through key decision with misleading data


Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.


ICB plans to ‘decommission outpatient clinics’


An integrated care board is planning to decommission secondary care outpatient clinics and replace them with primary and community care services.

North by North West: ICB small print reveals raft of new treatment restrictions


Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.

Patricia Hewitt

Hewitt’s ICS using health inequality cash to ‘offset deficit’


An integrated care system whose chair said addressing health inequalities must be prioritised has admitted using dedicated funds to offset its financial deficit.

David Hare 3X2

Private hospitals criticise ‘no sense’ ICS cuts plan


Private providers have criticised leaders in Greater Manchester for their plan to slash the use of independent sector capacity, saying it makes “no sense”.

pharmacy medicines management drugs

Revealed: ‘Postcode lottery’ for £645m recovery programme


There is a seven-fold variation between integrated care systems in the uptake of a flagship government primary care access scheme, data has revealed.


Trust scraps ex-chair’s building tribute after ‘legacy reassessment’


Plans to name a new major trauma centre after a long-serving trust chair were scrapped after a reassessment of his legacy, HSJ has been told.

Lawrence Dunhill 2023

North by North West: Running rings around the ICB


Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.


HSJ Podcast: Manchester’s financial meltdown


Greater Manchester ICS is under huge pressure to reduce its deficit after suffering a recent financial collapse.

Manchester devolution tapestry

‘Systematic’ cuts to private activity planned by stricken ICS


A health system with one of the largest elective backlogs in the country will implement a “systematic reduction” of its dependency on private hospitals, as part of a bid to cut costs.


Nurse wins staff shortages whistleblowing case


An NHS trust has lost an employment tribunal case against a nurse who had his shifts cancelled after whistleblowing when a patient was put in seclusion because of staff shortages.


Boss of ICS that suffered dramatic financial collapse seconded to NHSE


The chief financial officer of a health system that missed its plan by £180m has moved to a secondment role at NHS England.

North by North West: Funding still pending as new hospital opens


Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.

James Illman 2023

Recovery Watch: The ICBs on the slide against the main elective target


Recovering services from the covid crisis is a big task for NHS leaders for the foreseeable future. The Recovery Watch newsletter tracks prospects and progress. This week by HSJ bureau chief and performance lead James Illman.


NHSE should intervene in trust safety investigation, says inquiry chair


The chair of the major inquiry into rogue surgeon Ian Paterson has raised concerns over a separate patient recall process conducted by Salford Royal Hospital, and suggested NHS England should intervene.

mental health depression

Referrals to largest private provider halted


A health system has stopped sending mental health patients to the country’s largest single provider of out-of-area placements.