Kent and Medway ICS

community services children youth club volunteer class

ICBs missing checks on vulnerable children


Integrated care boards are warning they are failing to carry out health checks for vulnerable children in care because of a lack of paediatricians and rising demand, HSJ  has found.

Jayne Black

Hospital chief moves to nearby trust


The chief executive of a trust awaiting a critical Care Quality Commission report has been appointed to lead another provider in the region.

empty board room meeting

Trust blames £1.8bn tender for going six months without board meeting


A community trust is set to go six months without a public board meeting – giving winter pressures and a large community services tender as its reasons.

William harvey hospital

Specialist unit a step closer after 13 years in planning


A long-awaited hyperacute stroke unit could finally be opened – 13 years after it was first mooted.

community services woman volunteer youth club children class

Revealed: 14 ICBs cutting spend on the third sector


Nearly half of all integrated care boards are due to cut their spending on voluntary, community and social enterprise services this financial year, HSJ analysis suggests.

Pay wage slip

Trust rapped for ‘irregular’ £116k payment to outgoing CEO


An NHS trust has been reprimanded by the public spending watchdog after it paid its departing chief executive more than £100,000 without prior Treasury sign-off.


NHSE deputy to join ICB


One of NHS England’s national finance team is leaving to join an integrated care board.

money coins finance

ICS told to bring in consultants to cut spending


Another integrated care system has been ordered to bring in consultants to find ways to make further savings.


Trust in row with BMA over ‘regional rate card’


A large hospital trust’s attempt to reduce its medical rates for extra shifts to bring them in line with other trusts in the region has sparked a row with the British Medical Association

CT scanner

Three ICSs responsible for a quarter of very long diagnostic waits


Just three integrated care systems were responsible for nearly one in four 13-week waits for key diagnostic tests in recent months, HSJ analysis of official data has found.

Map ambulance response

Revealed: Three-fold variation in emergency response time by ICS


A threefold variation in ambulance response for serious, urgent conditions has been revealed in new figures.

Tunbridge wells hospital

Auditors discover ‘significant weakness’ in trust’s financial plans


An external auditor has warned of a “significant weakness” in a high-performing trust’s financial sustainability because of its under-delivery on efficiency savings.

Mobile phone

Threefold ICS variation in GP phone access revealed


Patients trying to reach their GP are almost three times as likely to fail to get through in the worst-performing integrated care systems than the best, according to analysis of new annual figures. 


Trust to take on 2,500 long-waiters after buying private hospital


A trust that recently bought a small private hospital is to take on 2,500 long-waiters from across its integrated care system.

money coins finance

Exclusive: NHSE begins to claw back funding from ICSs to pay off historic debts


Three-quarters of integrated care systems face funding cuts of up to £20m as a result of NHS England’s insistence they start paying back overspends from previous years, HSJ  analysis has discovered.

Money, finance and accounts

Rise in ICSs missing financial plans despite NHSE claim more would deliver


The number of health systems that failed to meet their main financial commitment increased substantially last year, despite NHS England’s chief finance officer previously saying many more areas would “definitely” deliver on their plans.

pharmacy medicines management drugs

Revealed: ‘Postcode lottery’ for £645m recovery programme


There is a seven-fold variation between integrated care systems in the uptake of a flagship government primary care access scheme, data has revealed.


Former hospital chief to chair second trust


A former trust chief executive has been appointed chair of a second trust in the South East.

James Illman 2023

Recovery Watch: The ICBs on the slide against the main elective target


Recovering services from the covid crisis is a big task for NHS leaders for the foreseeable future. The Recovery Watch newsletter tracks prospects and progress. This week by HSJ bureau chief and performance lead James Illman.


Pharma exec named chair of high-performing trust


A new chair has been appointed at one of England’s best performing trusts.