Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Financial spreadsheets

Revealed: the trusts furthest behind on efficiency plans


A total of 20 trusts had achieved only 30 per cent or less of their 2024-25 planned efficiency programmes by the end of October, with four delivering below 20 per cent, research by HSJ  has revealed.

Innovation and technology

Revealed: The seven trusts that will miss delayed tech deadline


Seven trusts have confirmed they will miss the March 2026 deadline for having an electronic patient record in place, with some still using paper records, HSJ can reveal.


Top trusts failed mortuary security checks


Some of England’s most prestigious trusts have been caught with inadequate security for their mortuaries – despite recent high-profile breaches, HSJ can reveal.

morecambe bay lancashire

ICB and three trusts put in ‘recovery support’


An integrated care board and its three main acute providers have been placed under “recovery support” by NHS England due to large deficits.

Money finance

Revealed: the trusts with the highest savings targets


At least three trusts have efficiency targets approaching 10 per cent of their budget this year, HSJ research has found.


Emergency performance dips as winter nears


Ambulance response times rose dramatically last month with urgent care performance also worsening as winter appeared to strike early.

Hospital beds

Revealed: The trusts struggling most with delayed discharge ‘interface’ problems


The trusts struggling most on the number of delayed discharges caused by so-called “interface issues” between acute and other care services – mostly negotiations over care packages – are revealed by a new dataset.

Patient Safety Watch logo

Patient Safety Watch: Don’t fixate on legal costs –⁠ invest in preventing harm in the first place


HSJ hosts the Patient Safety Watch newsletter, written by Patient Safety Watch chief executive James Titcombe.

North by North West: Patient safety or administrative convenience?


Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.


ICS £230m in the red hails ‘positive’ financial performance


Leaders in Lancashire and South Cumbria searched for positives as they were told the integrated care system would miss its financial plan by £150m.

Baby and mother in maternity ward

Exclusive: Maternity delays spark thousands of safety alerts each year


Maternity departments are raising thousands of safety reports every year about delayed inductions of labour, HSJ can reveal.

A&E accident and emergency

Trusts offered up to £4m to make last-ditch attempt on A&E target


NHS England has confirmed new financial incentives for trusts to deliver strong performance against the four-hour emergency target this month.

Lawrence Dunhill 2023

North by North West: Coming up with the wrong answer


Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.

maggie oldham ws

ICB boss takes charge of acute trust


The deputy CEO of an integrated care board has been given interim charge of one of its acute providers, HSJ has learned.

Emergency, service redesign, A&E

Thirty trusts report more 12-hour waits, despite national improvement


Long A&E waits have got worse at more than one in five acute trusts, despite an improving trend nationally.

Trish Armstrong Child

CEO in surprise departure after ‘positive impact’


The chief executive of Blackpool Teaching Hospitals has announced her retirement after two and a half years in the role.


Trusts told to plan for 10% cuts on top of annual savings


Trusts in Lancashire have been told to plan for a 10 per cent cut in their contract values, on top of the annual efficiency savings they were already planning for next year.

Emergency workforce

A&E target set to be raised, despite NHS missing lower bar


NHS England and government are set to raise their target for four-hour A&E performance, despite most hospitals failing to meet the current ask.

Lawrence Dunhill 2023

North by North West: 12-hour trolley waits an ‘acceptable compromise’


Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.