CEO announces new job after less than a year in post
A chief executive is to leave her first CEO role at a community trust to lead an acute provider in the capital.
Income soars at backlog catch-up firms
Two private companies offering outsourced NHS assessments for ADHD and autism have seen huge increases in income, HSJ can reveal.
Trust names former social care director as CEO
A community trust has appointed a director with a background in social care and the third sector to be its new chief executive.
Trust chiefs criticise ‘divisive’ capital ‘prizes’ for A&E performance
Trust CEOs and other health leaders have criticised NHS England’s move to offer trusts up to £4m capital in a last-ditch effort to meet the four hour emergency care target in March.
HSJ Podcast: Why the Nuffield Trust's new CEO is fed up with 'visions'
This week we’re joined by Thea Stein, who recently moved into think tank world after nine years running an NHS trust.
NHSE intervenes as ICS flags worsening financial deficit
An integrated care system deemed to be a relatively strong performer is now forecasting a £25m deficit, after signing up to a breakeven plan at the start of the year, its CEO has said.
‘Hyperlocal’ approach unblocked recruitment, says trust
A community trust has reported unprecedented success filling stubborn vacancies by investing in ‘hyperlocal’ recruitment, which involves posting flyers through doors rather than posting adverts online.
The Integrator: Still trying to tackle discharge delays
Insider tales and must-read analysis on how integration is reshaping health and care systems, NHS providers, primary care and commissioning. This week by deputy editor Dave West.
Systems push back on NHS England’s ‘financial break even’ ask
Multiple health systems are pushing back on their financial targets for 2022-23 and seeking to negotiate more ‘realistic’ plans with NHS, HSJ understands.
Revealed: The best and worst trusts to be a junior doctor
HSJ analysis of data from the latest General Medical Council national training survey has revealed the top and bottom trusts for overall experience for junior doctors.
HSJ Awards 2020: Freedom to Speak up Organisation of the Year
WINNER: Leeds Community Healthcare Trust – Freedom To Speak Up at Work
Trust CEO asks for ‘scientific evidence’ on covid vaccine safety to reassure staff
NHS trust chief executives have told HSJ they need more clarity the Pfizer-BioNTech covid vaccine is safe to reassure their worried staff.
HSJ Value Awards 2020: Specialist Service Redesign Initiative
The place based paediatric offer across Tameside and Glossop consists of a number of initiatives that support children and their families being seen and treated by the most appropriate professional, at the right time and in the right place:
Newly opened Nightingale to remain empty for time being
Patients will not be sent to the new Nightingale facility in Yorkshire for the time being, as the region’s existing hospitals continue to manage the surge in coronavirus cases.
Revealed: The trusts put on notice over risks to staff
NHS providers were given 40 official warnings because regulators believed they were failing to protect staff from violence, injury and hazardous substances in the past two years, HSJ can reveal.
Two-thirds of trusts failing to protect staff from violence
Around two-thirds of NHS providers were found to be breaking laws aimed at protecting staff from violence and aggression, when inspected by the Health and Safety Executive, information released to HSJ reveals.
Exclusive: Staff assaults and killings spark investigation of 20 providers
Safety inspections have been carried out at 20 health and care providers, in response to a high level of assaults, including three staff killed by patients in the last five years.
Taking a system-wide approach to NHS workforce challenges
If we want to create a more streamlined experience for people using multiple services, it is workforce reform which will make it happen, writes Leanora Volpe
Infection prevention is not just the job of the NHS
“Home growing” staff is the key to an integrated infection prevention strategy, writes Liz Grogan
The biggest set of mergers for a decade
Insider tales and must-read analysis on how integration is reshaping health and care systems, NHS providers, primary care, and commissioning. This week by deputy editor Dave West.