South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust

Manchester bombing

Ambulance services underprepared for ‘mass casualty incidents’


Ambulance services would still struggle to respond effectively to a mass-casualty event like the Manchester Arena bombing, HSJ has learned, as nearly all have been denied the funding needed to bolster preparedness.


‘Inadequate’ trust told to ensure it listens to staff


An ambulance trust has been told it needs to go further in its drive to improve, including that it listens to staff feedback.


20% of corporate jobs to go in cost-cutting restructure


An ambulance trust is reducing the number of posts in its corporate directorates by 20 per cent.

Nurse patient wheelchair (1)

‘Safety concerns’ over provider with £500m new contracts


A patient transport company which is taking over contracts worth hundreds of millions of pounds is grappling with concerns about service performance and risk to patients.

Money finance

Revealed: the trusts with the highest savings targets


At least three trusts have efficiency targets approaching 10 per cent of their budget this year, HSJ research has found.

Adam Ankers

Teenager’s death linked to national IT system, review suggests


The 999 assessment and triage system is being reviewed after the death of a young footballer, which may have highlighted a recurring flaw in the tool.

Black paramedic and ambulance, AI generated

Ambulance trusts suffer as calls jump 13% in London


Ambulance trusts are battling an extremely tough October with calls in one region up by 13 per cent year-on-year and others struggling with hospital handovers.


Trust in financial dispute with two ICBs


An ambulance trust has warned it may miss financial targets because it has failed to finalise some commissioning contracts halfway through the year.


NHSE admits ‘urgent’ ambulance target will be missed in capital


NHS England has agreed ambulance trusts can meet ‘realistic’ response times for ‘urgent’ ambulance calls including some heart attacks and stroke this winter, citing ‘service pressures, resources and demand’.

Simon Weldon

Five trusts join forces on AI and procurement


Five ambulance service trusts are forming a group, which will include joint projects on artificial intelligence, and a potential move to standardisation and joint procurement of vehicles.


Four regions still without extra ambulances promised by NHSE


Four regions that successfully bid for dedicated ambulances for mental health patients are still without the specialist vehicles, despite growing concerns the NHS is unable to respond to people in crisis.


Trusts face paybill hike from rebanding claims


Ambulance trusts are facing significantly higher costs as thousands of staff look set to be upgraded to a higher pay band.


Waiting times focus ‘overshadows misconduct’, finds NHSE review


Ambulance trusts have often prioritised capacity and response times over dealing with cases of misconduct, a review of culture in the sector for NHS England has found.

Red deficit arrow

£38.5m deficit leaves trust needing ‘cash support to continue operations’


An ambulance trust is moving from forecasting breakeven at the end of 2023-24 to a £38.5m deficit, and declared it will need to be given extra cash ‘to support continuing operations’.


Trust sacks seven staff over ‘sexual behaviour’


An ambulance trust saw a sharp rise in complaints – and has dismissed seven staff – after overhauling its complaints process, and encouraging people to speak up about sexual behaviour.

cyber security

Cyber attack takes out two trusts’ records access


Two ambulance trusts have been left without a working electronic patient care record system for a week after a cyber attack affecting its Swedish-based supplier.

Royal Hampshire

ICB and seven trusts put in ‘recovery’ after refusing to submit balanced financial plan


An integrated care board and all seven of its member trusts have been placed into the ‘recovery support programmes’ – formerly known as special measures – by NHS England, after declaring a deficit plan for 2023-24.

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Trusts to share joint chief ahead of breakup


Two trusts in the south of England have named a joint chief executive as part of a major reorganisation.


More trusts vote to strike


Staff at another four ambulance services have voted to take strike action in the ongoing dispute over pay, the union Unison has announced.


Staff at final ambulance trust vote to join strikes


Staff at the East of England ambulance trust – the only one to escape strike action so far – have voted to join the industrial action.