Revealed: the trusts furthest behind on efficiency plans
A total of 20 trusts had achieved only 30 per cent or less of their 2024-25 planned efficiency programmes by the end of October, with four delivering below 20 per cent, research by HSJ has revealed.
Planning round could be a ‘bloodbath’ without a change of course
Daniel Elkeles is to be congratulated on his appointment as the chief executive of NHS Providers. He has proved himself not only a successful CEO, but one who is prepared to speak truth to power and challenge conventional thinking. He is the right person for the job ahead.
The NHS needs to make it easier for patients to complain
A new report calls for improvements to the process of NHS complaints to help the NHS develop a stronger listening and learning culture, writes William Pett, head of policy and public affairs at Healthwatch England
‘Fragile’ IT blamed for critical incidents and patient harm
Outdated clinical IT systems at a large Midlands hospital trust are harming patients and causing delayed diagnoses and cancelled appointments, its CEO has admitted.
Revealed: the trusts with the worst summer A&E handover delays
Patients stuck in ambulances queuing outside A&Es have waited an average of over two hours at two trusts this summer, data published for the first time reveals.
Six trusts drop into ‘most challenged’ group
Six more trusts have dropped into the “tier 1” group for the most challenged providers for their elective or cancer performance.
Trusts struggling to recruit directors due to ‘workload and pressure’, says outgoing CEO
Trusts are getting fewer applications for CEO and director roles due to “pressures” including a lack of resources, poor “work life balance”, and central scrunity, an outgoing acute chief has said.
Trust appeals to NHSE chiefs over EPR funding fears
An acute trust’s digital chief has raised concerns the £3.4bn tech funding announced in this year’s Budget may not be available for a new system-wide electronic patient record.
Providers to restart merger talks despite ‘resistance’
Talks over the potential merger of two North West trusts are being revived, despite resistance from one of the providers, sources have told HSJ.
‘Wholly unrealistic’ NHSE financial recovery policy risks ‘significant harm’ warns ICS
Leaders of an integrated care system in the Midlands have warned they cannot make the scale of staffing cuts required to balance the books without putting patients at risk.
Replacement announced for CEO forced to quit through ill-health
Simon Constable is leaving Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust to join University Hospitals of North Midlands Trust as chief executive.
Consultants sent into troubled system after £140m deficit warning
NHS England has sent a consultancy firm into a troubled health system, after it said its financial plan would be missed by up to £140m.
Trust CEO retires with ‘very mixed emotions’
The chief executive of a major hospital trust announced her retirement due to a long-term illness today.
Trusts dispute NHS England’s ‘benefits’ claim over FDP pilot
Five trusts have contradicted NHS England’s claim that they are “actively realising benefits” from pilots of the Federated Data Platform.
Exclusive: NHSE crackdown on 10-hour ambulance delays
NHS England has launched a new crackdown on trusts it says have a ‘management strategy’ to hold patients in the back of ambulances to cope with emergency pressures inside their hospitals, HSJ has learned.
Seven trusts relegated to NHSE’s poorest performers group
Seven trusts have been added to NHS England’s list of providers with the worst elective and cancer problems, putting the number of organisations in the ‘tier 1’ group back into double figures – and five leaving it, HSJ has learned.
The lesson from Letby is to listen
Now that the inquiry into Lucy Letby’s case has been given legal powers, it must explore how the NHS can tackle the culture of defensiveness, denial and secrecy that often lies at the heart of tragic scandals. Louise Ansari, chief executive of Healthwatch England, argues that the NHS has some ...
A&E handover delays ‘still getting worse at some hospitals’
Ambulance chiefs say handover delays have got worse at some trusts in recent months, despite the picture improving nationally since last winter.
Ministers name 30 trusts receiving share of £250m fund
Ministers have named the 30 trusts which will receive a share of a £250m fund to increase urgent and emergency care capacity.