Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Clive Betts

Trusts overspending with ‘no consequence’, says senior MP


Reforms will be lost in the “black hole of the NHS” unless the health service fixes productivity and stops overspending with “no consequence”, senior MPs have said.

Innovation and technology

Revealed: The seven trusts that will miss delayed tech deadline


Seven trusts have confirmed they will miss the March 2026 deadline for having an electronic patient record in place, with some still using paper records, HSJ can reveal.

CT scanner

Trust to limit ‘non-essential’ CT scans as deficit rises


A Yorkshire acute trust is reviewing its use of diagnostic scans with a view to “limiting non-essential procedures” as it tries to bring down its deficit, according to internal messages sent to staff.


Revealed: Dozens more children harmed after care failures


Dozens more children have suffered harm due to failings in audiology services, HSJ can reveal.

Emergency, service redesign, A&E

40% of funding targeted at improving emergency care goes unspent


Fourty per cent of the £150m capital funding pot NHS England made available to incentivise urgent and emergency care improvements was not distributed, data shown to HSJ reveals.

University Hosptial of Hartlepool to upload

Revealed: The ‘unacceptable’ hospital buildings with no investment


Estates chiefs at 19 acute hospitals have classed more than half of their occupied space as  “not functionally suitable” and lacking any promise of major investment.

Gloucestershire Royal hospital

Projects excluded from ‘40 new hospitals’ programme had ‘political issues’


Internal government documents show some of the building schemes that failed to make the final list of ‘40 new hospitals’ were flagged as having potentially serious ‘political issues’, HSJ has discovered.

Emergency, service redesign, A&E

Exclusive: Site-level A&E performance revealed for the first time


The true scale of poor performance against the four-hour waiting time target at individual A&E sites, which is often masked by the official trust-level data, has been laid bare for the first time by information acquired by HSJ.

Julian Kelly

Crumbling estate impacting patient care ‘day in, day out’, NHSE boss tells MPs


NHS England’s finance boss says patient treatment areas are being closed “all the time” due to crumbling estates, fire risks and flooding.


Hospital whose rebuild was dropped faces ‘enforced closure’ risk


A trust that was inexplicably removed from the ‘40 new hospitals’ programme, despite being a top regional priority for capital funding, has been testing contingency plans for a ‘full or partial site closure’ due to problems with its main site.


Seven trusts inexplicably removed from ‘40 new hospitals’ pledge


Seven trusts were removed from a list used to choose the ‘40 new hospitals’ with no documentation to explain why, a watchdog has found.

electric car

Around 20 trusts ‘still without electric vehicle charging points’


Around 20 trusts have not yet installed any electric vehicle charging points on their sites, HSJ analysis shows.

wycombe hopsital

Outcry over 123 rejected ‘new hospital’ bids


Multiple trusts have expressed disappointment at being overlooked in the government’s latest announcement on the ‘40 new hospitals’ programme.


ICS sets balanced budget to avoid NHS England sanctions


System leaders in Yorkshire have said their decision to set a balanced financial plan instead of a deficit was shaped by the ‘tactics’ of engaging with NHS England, including the threat of potential sanctions.

Newborn baby 2

Trusts lose out on cash after safety ‘mis-declarations’


Three trusts have lost out on more than £1m in rebate from the maternity clinical negligence scheme after they ‘mis-declared’ that they were compliant with safety requirements.

Gas flame USE

Trusts locked into Russian gas contracts for another year


Several NHS trusts will remain locked into contracts with Russian energy giant Gazprom until April 2023, HSJ understands.

push button technology switch innovation choice

NHS launches biggest central patient record programme since NPfIT


Seven trusts have been selected for a new centralised approach to buying major IT equipment in a bid to “accelerate” digitisation across the health service, HSJ has learned.

West suffolk hospital

Troubled trust given maximum fine for duty of candour breach


A troubled trust, where leaders are braced for a review into high-profile bullying allegations, was today fined for breaching duty of candour regulations in a separate case.

Infection prevention 1

Trusts failing to report ‘concerning’ numbers of hospital-acquired covid cases


Some acute trusts have failed to report large numbers of hospital-acquired covid infections as patient safety incidents, despite NHS England describing this as ‘fundamental’.


Covid occupancy rates grow at outlier trusts while trend flattens nationally


The rate that England’s acute hospital beds are filling with covid patients has slowed down nationally — but a handful of trusts are still reporting growing occupancy rates despite four weeks of national lockdown.