East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust

Simon Weldon

Five trusts join forces on AI and procurement


Five ambulance service trusts are forming a group, which will include joint projects on artificial intelligence, and a potential move to standardisation and joint procurement of vehicles.


Four regions still without extra ambulances promised by NHSE


Four regions that successfully bid for dedicated ambulances for mental health patients are still without the specialist vehicles, despite growing concerns the NHS is unable to respond to people in crisis.


Trusts face paybill hike from rebanding claims


Ambulance trusts are facing significantly higher costs as thousands of staff look set to be upgraded to a higher pay band.

Stephen powis

NHSE recovery target in doubt as 18-month elective waits continue to rise


The number of 78-week breaches on the NHS waiting list has risen for the sixth consecutive month, despite a fall in 65-week waiters and the overall list size, according to official data published today.

Siobhan Melia

Outside CEOs bring ‘positive challenge’ to sector, says review author


The senior leader who carried out a cultural review of the ambulance sector has said bringing in chief executives from outside has “shone a different light” on the service, although she stressed it was not a “silver bullet”.


Waiting times focus ‘overshadows misconduct’, finds NHSE review


Ambulance trusts have often prioritised capacity and response times over dealing with cases of misconduct, a review of culture in the sector for NHS England has found.


NHSE acts as performance deteriorates in five systems


Five integrated care systems face escalations in central scrutiny and support following “deterioration” against key urgent and emergency care targets.

Nick Kituno 2023

The Ward Round: Trusts’ ‘unknown’ disability problem revealed


Staffing is the issue keeping NHS leaders awake at night – and which consumes two-thirds of trusts’ spending. The fortnightly The Ward Round newsletter, this week by HSJ employment and equalities correspondent Nick Kituno, ensures you are tuned in to the daily pressures on staff, and the wider trends and ...


ICSs most ‘off target’ on recovery named by NHS England


Seven integrated care systems and one ambulance trust have been placed in ‘intensive support’ because of their performance against urgent and emergency care metrics.

Ambulance call

Thousands of English NHS 999 calls answered in Wales


Thousands of 999 calls are being transferred to the Welsh Ambulance Service because they are taking more than five minutes to answer in England, HSJ can reveal.


More trusts vote to strike


Staff at another four ambulance services have voted to take strike action in the ongoing dispute over pay, the union Unison has announced.


Staff at final ambulance trust vote to join strikes


Staff at the East of England ambulance trust – the only one to escape strike action so far – have voted to join the industrial action.


Paramedics not sent to quarter of urgent calls, admits trust


Some ambulance trusts are not sending paramedics to up to around a quarter of their most serious calls, according to figures obtained by HSJ.

David Eltringham[27985]

‘Inadequate’ trust gets new chief executive


An experienced acute hospital executive has been appointed to lead South Central Ambulance Service Foundation Trust.


Ambulance strike dates and trusts revealed


Thousands of ambulance staff across England will go on strike during the festive period this month in a dispute over pay, three unions have announced.


Revealed: Ambulance waits quadruple in handover hotspots


Ambulance waiting times for stroke and suspected heart attacks have quadrupled in four parts of England since before covid-19 – whereas others have only grown by half – underlining the severe impact of long accident and emergency handovers.


Emergency performance slumps again as covid hits


Emergency care performance has again plunged to near-record lows, despite demand falling compared to the previous month.

NHS services and staff

Revealed: Trusts where most staff withhold disability status


More than half the staff at eight trusts have either refused or failed to declare whether they consider themselves ‘disabled’, an HSJ analysis has found.


Struggling system asks NHSE for help with ambulance handovers


Health leaders in Lincolnshire have admitted they do not have a ‘robust’ response to managing the risks posed by ambulance handover delays and poor response times.


Revealed: Surge in serious incidents caused by ambulance delays


Ambulance trusts are seeing rising numbers of serious incidents resulting from delays in reaching patients, research by HSJ has uncovered.