East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust

Colchester Hospital

Trust hit by strike over backpay dispute


Another trust faces strike action by healthcare assistants, as a dispute which began in the North West spreads to other parts of the country.

Emergency, service redesign, A&E

40% of funding targeted at improving emergency care goes unspent


Fourty per cent of the £150m capital funding pot NHS England made available to incentivise urgent and emergency care improvements was not distributed, data shown to HSJ reveals.

Hospital beds ward

Trusts with ‘distressing’ mixed-sex ward breaches blame poor estates


The trusts with the worst breach rates of mixed-sex ward rules in hospitals are revealed today by HSJ  analysis after national levels hit a record high in 2023-24.

neill moloney

National boss appointed to troubled ICS after ‘serious concerns’ from NHSE


A national director has been drafted in to lead the recovery of a health system over which NHS England has raised “serious concerns”.

Emergency, service redesign, A&E

Thirty trusts report more 12-hour waits, despite national improvement


Long A&E waits have got worse at more than one in five acute trusts, despite an improving trend nationally.

william h

Revealed: Worst hospitals for food hygiene


More than 30 hospitals in England failed to receive the top ratings for food hygiene in their latest inspection.

Ipswich Hospital

Trust names US firm as preferred bidder for new EPR


An East Anglian trust has reportedly chosen American company Epic as its new electronic patient record provider.

Newborn baby

Labour ward staffing shortages restrict use of beneficial drug


Staffing shortages are likely to restrict the use of a beneficial painkiller in birthing suites, even once its use has been recommended by national guidance.


Coroners issue 24 warnings over emergency care crisis


Coroners have warned of increasing numbers of deaths caused by problems in the emergency pathway, with some citing ‘severe’ staffing shortages.

Nick Hulme

Senior trust CEO takes on top job at second major trust


East Suffolk and North East Essex Foundation Trust chief executive Nick Hulme has been appointed interim chief at Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals FT, the trusts have announced.

Surgeons hand reaching for scalpel

Prolific surgeon found guilty of misconduct and dishonesty


A prolific surgeon accused of poor care — some with a ‘catastrophic outcome’ — and altering patient notes has been found guilty of misconduct and struck off the medical register following a tribunal hearing.

Nick Hulme

We need to tell the public that hospitals are ‘horrible places’, urges trust CEO


Hospitals are ‘horrible’ and unsafe places, which should be avoided ‘unless you really need to be there’, a longstanding trust chief executive has argued.

Colchester Hospital

‘Tearful’ staff raise patient safety concerns to CQC


An inspection of a hospital has found all wards were understaffed, while ‘tearful [and] exhausted’ clinicians raised patient safety concerns to the regulator.

Surgery surgeons

Prolific surgeon ‘harmed more than 100 patients’


A consultant orthopaedic surgeon who carried out double the average number of knee and hip operations over a three year-period is facing a tribunal over alleged misconduct and more than 100 legal cases lodged by former patients, HSJ has been told.

Ewen Cameron

‘Witch-hunt’ trust finally gets new CEO


West Suffolk Foundation Trust has appointed a new substantive chief executive just over a year after Steve Dunn stood down from the role following a protracted bullying scandal.

Nick Hulme

How should the NHS respond to the cost of living crisis?


How is the cost of living crisis impacting patients, and what can the service do to help? Alastair McLellan reviews a timely debate

Nick Hulme Colchester 2021

Exclusive: Trust CEO drafted in to advise crisis-hit neighbour


A senior acute chief executive with extensive experience of managing a special measures provider has been appointed to an advisory role at the NHS’s worst-performing mental health trust, HSJ has learned.

Psychiatric hospital

Large hospital trusts still missing key crisis support in A&E


Some of the country’s leading acute hospitals are not meeting a key NHS standard for mental health support in emergency departments, HSJ research suggests, with some regions faring better than others.

Illustration of a brain with cogs

Exclusive: Sharp drop in quality of stroke care


The proportion of stroke units awarded the top ratings in a national audit has fallen significantly, HSJ analysis shows.

NHS services and staff

Revealed: Trusts where most staff withhold disability status


More than half the staff at eight trusts have either refused or failed to declare whether they consider themselves ‘disabled’, an HSJ analysis has found.