Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust

Financial spreadsheets

Revealed: the trusts furthest behind on efficiency plans


A total of 20 trusts had achieved only 30 per cent or less of their 2024-25 planned efficiency programmes by the end of October, with four delivering below 20 per cent, research by HSJ  has revealed.


Revealed: the trusts with the worst summer A&E handover delays


Patients stuck in ambulances queuing outside A&Es have waited an average of over two hours at two trusts this summer, data published for the first time reveals.


EXCLUSIVE: Trusts regularly breaching security standards


Twenty one serious security failures at hospital mortuaries were discovered by the Human Tissues Authority between April 2022 and March 2024, HSJ can reveal.

A&E accident and emergency

Trusts offered up to £4m to make last-ditch attempt on A&E target


NHS England has confirmed new financial incentives for trusts to deliver strong performance against the four-hour emergency target this month.

Computer data

Trusts dispute NHS England’s ‘benefits’ claim over FDP pilot


Five trusts have contradicted NHS England’s claim that they are “actively realising benefits” from pilots of the Federated Data Platform.

Hospital beds

Revealed: The worst trusts for long discharge delays


The trusts with the most patients waiting at least a week after they are ‘ready’ to be discharged can be identified for the first time, following publication of new NHS England data.

David Loughton

Revealed: First trust CEO to receive £300,000 base salary


Many of the highest paid trust chiefs now have two executive roles, including the first permanent NHS CEO to be paid a base salary of more than £300,000 a year, HSJ analysis reveals.

Trudie Davies

Acute trust appoints new CEO


An acute trust in the North East has appointed a new chief executive.


Four in five trusts yet to reach digitisation target


Only one in five trusts has reached the level of digitisation required by 2025 – more than three years after the target was set, tech chiefs have revealed.

Yvonne Ormston

Top CEO announces retirement


The chief executive of Gateshead Health Foundation Trust, Yvonne Ormston, has announced her retirement.

River tyne newcastle gateshead

Exclusive: Eight trusts now have one in 10 beds filled by covid patients


Eight hospital trusts have hit the point where one in 10 of their beds is occupied by a patient with coronavirus, figures seen by HSJ reveal, and several more are approaching it.

HSJ Health Check Logo whitespace

HSJ podcast: How NHS England (quietly) axed the A&E target


Under the cover of Cummings’ headline-grabbing testimony last week, NHS England gave the green light to plans to scrap the landmark four-hour accident and emergency target.

Yvonne Ormston

Trust CEO: my cancer diagnosis has given me a new perspective on patient care


Yvonne Ormston shares her experience of dealing with covid as the CEO of Gateshead Health FT and her own cancer journey during the pandemic


HSJ’s 10 most read stories of 2020


As 2020 draws to a close, HSJ takes a look at its most read stories of the year.


HSJ’s 50 most read articles of 2020


HSJ takes a look back at the 50 most read stories of 2020.


Exclusive: New areas see rapidly rising covid pressure on hospitals


Covid demand on hospitals is now rising rapidly in parts of England so far spared the worst of wave two, analysis of new figures reveals.

Board room

NHSI appointed sacked trust CEO as improvement director then dismissed him after receiving ‘undisclosed information’


A hospital chief executive dismissed after a disciplinary process was sacked again last week after NHS Improvement ‘received previously undisclosed information’.


Revealed: The trusts put on notice over risks to staff


NHS providers were given 40 official warnings because regulators believed they were failing to protect staff from violence, injury and hazardous substances in the past two years, HSJ can reveal.


Two-thirds of trusts failing to protect staff from violence


Around two-thirds of NHS providers were found to be breaking laws aimed at protecting staff from violence and aggression, when inspected by the Health and Safety Executive, information released to HSJ reveals.

Ian Renwick

Fired trust chief exec withdraws unfair dismissal claim


A sacked trust chief executive has withdrawn his unfair dismissal claim against his former employer.