Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust

Financial spreadsheets

Revealed: the trusts furthest behind on efficiency plans


A total of 20 trusts had achieved only 30 per cent or less of their 2024-25 planned efficiency programmes by the end of October, with four delivering below 20 per cent, research by HSJ  has revealed.


Police dropping most mental health calls ‘could cost NHS £260m’


The national rollout of a new policing model scaling back officers’ responses to mental health incidents could cost the NHS around £260m, a trust chief executive has told MPs.


Trusts miss out on £50m of pledged ‘net zero’ funds


Nearly a fifth of the capital funding allocated to the NHS for ‘net zero’ projects was never received by trusts, with at least two schemes prevented from going ahead due to a lack of flexibility in the scheme.

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NHS launches biggest central patient record programme since NPfIT


Seven trusts have been selected for a new centralised approach to buying major IT equipment in a bid to “accelerate” digitisation across the health service, HSJ has learned.

Sharon Mays

Troubled trust appoints new chair


A mental health trust which is in NHS England’s ‘recovery support programme’ has appointed a new chair.


Ex-health minister to chair trust


A former public health minister has been appointed chair of a mental health trust.

Smiling patient

A trust where everyone contributes to patient care


Humber Foundation Trust, the 2019 HSJ Award winners for Mental Health Provider of the Year, place co-production with staff and patients at the heart of their achievements. Alison Moore reports

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2019 HSJ Awards winners revealed


The 23 winners of the 2019 HSJ Awards were named last night.

Mental health trust of the year proves small is beautiful


One of the smallest provider organisations in the NHS has won the mental health provider category at this year’s awards.

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HSJ Awards 2019: Mental health provider of the year


WINNER: Humber Teaching Foundation Trust

Digital network data

Revealed: The NHS trusts acting as PCN "bankers"


Four NHS trusts have established a foothold in primary care networks, HSJ can reveal.


National sharing of patient records enabled in first-of-kind initiative


Paramedics will be able to access the records of mental health service users for the first time as part of a wider scheme that aims to allow clinicians to share care records across the country.

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Tens of millions in STP tech funding held back


More than £35m of central tech funding for NHS providers was held back last year, with at least one region losing out after local organisations failed to reach a financial deal.

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Trusts' costs triple amid clinical waste crisis


Nearly 20 NHS trusts are paying three times as much for clinical waste services after their contracts were moved from the company at the centre of the stockpiling row, HSJ can reveal.

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Government hits back in clinical waste row


The government has hit back at claims that there is not enough incineration capacity to burn waste from NHS hospitals - accusing the company at the centre of a stockpiling scandal of refusing to pay disposal costs.

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Revealed: Hundreds of children wait more than a year for specialist help


Hundreds of young people assessed as needing specialist mental health treatment have been made to wait more than a year, an investigation by HSJ can reveal.

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HSJ Patient Safety Awards 2018: Changing Culture


Winner East Cheshire Trust: Maintaining patient safety in times of escalation – an organisational approach