Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust

Henry Anderson 2023

Following the Money: The trusts with the biggest drops in productivity


HSJ’s expert briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get back in the black. By finance correspondent Henry Anderson.

Lawrence Dunhill 2023

North by North West: Running rings around the ICB


Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.

Manchester devolution tapestry

‘Systematic’ cuts to private activity planned by stricken ICS


A health system with one of the largest elective backlogs in the country will implement a “systematic reduction” of its dependency on private hospitals, as part of a bid to cut costs.


‘Decomposing bodies’ discovered at multiple hospitals


Bodies are being left to deteriorate and in some cases decompose in hospital mortuaries, often because of a lack of freezer space, HSJ  has found.

North by North West: Funding still pending as new hospital opens


Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.

Manchester central new website

Long-waiters fall by a third despite ‘stubbornly high’ elective list


Trusts cut the number 65-week breaches by 35 per cent between February and March, reducing the long waiter cohort significantly from around 75,000 to around 49,000, according to NHS England’s monthly data.

Lawrence Dunhill 2023

North by North West: Skin in the game


Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.

Stephen powis

NHSE recovery target in doubt as 18-month elective waits continue to rise


The number of 78-week breaches on the NHS waiting list has risen for the sixth consecutive month, despite a fall in 65-week waiters and the overall list size, according to official data published today.

Construction building blueprint plans

Bid to speed up selected ‘new hospitals’


Some of the schemes within the “40 new hospitals” programme could be allowed to abandon the requirement for standard design and centralised procurement, in a bid to speed the projects up.

Manchester royal infirmary

Trust finally launches review into consultancy contract that was never tendered


A major trust has launched an external review into a decade-long consultancy contract that was never subject to a public tender process.

University College London Hospital

‘Same day’ emergency care drops at 40 trusts, despite NHSE push


A third of acute trusts are doing proportionally less “same day emergency care” activity than a year ago, despite this being a key pillar of NHS England’s recovery plan, data suggests.

Stroke patient rehab

Stiffer stroke target introduced – despite failure to meet old standard


The failure of trusts to offer stroke patients the level of rehab required by standards introduced 10 years ago has not prevented the publication of new guidance which demands even higher performance.

Emergency, service redesign, A&E

Revealed: Official data masking long waits for the sickest patients


Several trusts are failing to admit their sickest emergency patients in a timely fashion, despite performing well in official waiting time statistics, HSJ can reveal.

Manchester devolution tapestry

Headcount rise of 4,000 ‘not readily explainable’ by troubled ICS


The hiring of several thousand staff in a financially troubled health system was found to be ‘not readily explainable’ and well beyond the increases reported by similar areas.

Lawrence Dunhill 2023

North by North West: Criticising your own team’s a risky tactic


Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.

Lawrence Dunhill 2023

North by North West: Trust backed into corner as strikes escalate


Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.


Hospitals close areas after discovering RAAC planks


More hospitals have closed parts of their site after discovering potentially unsafe concrete had been used in the building structures, HSJ has learned.

65 week pluis chart 2

Major blow to NHSE recovery plan as 65-week waits rise


The number of elective care waits over 65 weeks rose by nearly 13,000 between July and August – the biggest monthly increase in over two years, according to official data published today.


More trusts find RAAC concrete on estates


At least seven more trusts have confirmed lightweight concrete on their estates following NHS England-ordered reviews and widespread safety concerns, HSJ has found.