Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Queen Elizabeth Hospital Kings Lynn

‘Ludicrous’ expectation pushes trusts to plan savings of up to 9%


NHS trusts are signing up to deliver efficiency savings of up to 9 per cent of costs, HSJ  has found.


‘Decomposing bodies’ discovered at multiple hospitals


Bodies are being left to deteriorate and in some cases decompose in hospital mortuaries, often because of a lack of freezer space, HSJ  has found.

Money, finance and accounts

Redundancy scheme to cut corporate staff by 14%


Multiple hospitals are launching redundancy schemes or plans to freeze recruitment for corporate and non-clinical staff, in a bid to meet their financial expectations in 2024–25.


Council scheme could cost trust £1.7m a year


A council’s controversial car parking levy is likely to cost an acute trust £1.65m each year for providing spaces, it has calculated.

Meghana Pandit

CEO interview: Meghana Pandit, chief executive, Oxford University Hospitals Foundation Trust


This is the latest in a series of interviews with provider chief executives, which are available exclusively to HSJ Insight subscribers.


Third of largest trusts do not know their carbon footprint


More than a third of the largest NHS trusts are still unable to state the size of their full carbon footprint, despite it being three years since the national plan for ‘net zero’ was established.

Human hip

More hips replaced in private hospitals than in NHS


The number of NHS-funded hip replacements carried out last year remained well below pre-covid levels, while the total funded privately nearly doubled to cover the shortfall, new data reveals.


More trusts find RAAC concrete on estates


At least seven more trusts have confirmed lightweight concrete on their estates following NHS England-ordered reviews and widespread safety concerns, HSJ has found.

Hospital consultants

Shelford trusts now paying consultants up to £269 an hour to cover strike night shifts


Seven of the 10 largest teaching trusts are understood to have acquiesced to demands by the British Medical Association to pay consultants higher overtime rates for covering August’s junior doctors’ strike.


Revealed: 60pc of trusts have a ‘first-time’ CEO


Nearly two-thirds of trusts have a ‘first-time’ chief executive, while one-third of the sector’s CEOs have been in their current post for 18 months or less, following a period of remarkable turnover since the covid crisis.

Royal Berkshire Hospital

ICS accused of imposing ‘woefully low’ overtime pay


An integrated care system’s new overtime ‘rate card’ has sparked a furious response from doctors who warned the “woefully under-market value” rates were directly undermining efforts to ensure safe staffing.

Katy Nex

Social investment funding: a lifeline for the NHS


The potential for social investment has been demonstrated on an individual service level and now is the time for it to fuel ICS-wide innovation funding to support transformation and improve patient care, writes Katy Nex

patient safety

Patient aggression up by a fifth despite trust’s interventions


A hospital trust, which has already implemented a series of safety measures to protect employees, has reported a 17 per cent rise in incidents of abuse against staff by patients and the public in the last year.


Staff get ‘aggressive verbal abuse’ over strike cancellations


A hospital trust has said its staff have been verbally abused when contacting some patients to postpone their appointments because of next week’s nursing strike.

Solar panel

Sixteen trusts win £150m for green energy projects


Sixteen trusts have been allocated a combined £150m for heat pumps and other projects to reduce emissions from their estates.


Trust spent £680k in failed attempt to fight whistleblower


A trust spent £460,000 on legal fees trying to fight a patient safety whistleblowing case that it lost, it can be revealed.

James Illman 3x2

Recovery Watch: Overtime pay, not ‘insourcing’, is NHS chiefs’ big elective headache


Recovering services from the covid crisis is the big task for NHS leaders for the foreseeable future. The Recovery Watch newsletter tracks prospects and progress. This week by HSJ bureau chief and performance lead James Illman.


Four in five trusts yet to reach digitisation target


Only one in five trusts has reached the level of digitisation required by 2025 – more than three years after the target was set, tech chiefs have revealed.

Breast cancer radiology

Influx of very low risk referrals sparks review of cancer services


NHS England is in talks about changing a pathway for women with breast problems after performance against the two-week target for them to be seen plummeted.