Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust

Hospital beds ward

Trusts with ‘distressing’ mixed-sex ward breaches blame poor estates


The trusts with the worst breach rates of mixed-sex ward rules in hospitals are revealed today by HSJ  analysis after national levels hit a record high in 2023-24.

Emergency, service redesign, A&E

Thirty trusts report more 12-hour waits, despite national improvement


Long A&E waits have got worse at more than one in five acute trusts, despite an improving trend nationally.


Exclusive: Tory marginals favoured in ‘new hospitals’ selection


A process in which the government added and overlooked trusts for the “40 new hospitals” programme appears to have benefited marginal constituencies, according to analysis and documents obtained by HSJ.


‘Design compromise’ for new-build hospitals due to funding shortfalls


Trusts in the ‘new hospital programme’ will have to make significant compromises to their projects unless the Treasury can be persuaded to release billions more in funding, sources have told HSJ.

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The staff wellbeing strategies that work


Zosia Walecka says that trusts are dedicated to improving staff morale and patient care through their emphasis on culture, evidence-based methods, resource allocation, stress management, and promoting equality and diversity

Royal Berkshire Hospital

ICS accused of imposing ‘woefully low’ overtime pay


An integrated care system’s new overtime ‘rate card’ has sparked a furious response from doctors who warned the “woefully under-market value” rates were directly undermining efforts to ensure safe staffing.

Nick broughton

Trust CEO named as interim ICB chief


Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board has appointed its third chief executive, and second interim, since it was established last July.

Cleaning 1

Revealed: Best and worst trusts for cleanliness and food


The best and worst trusts for cleanliness and food have been revealed in a national assessment by patients and staff.


NHS leaders fear ambulance strike ‘calm’ will not last


The first NHS ambulance strike for 32 years appears not to have had any major impact so far.


Four in five trusts yet to reach digitisation target


Only one in five trusts has reached the level of digitisation required by 2025 – more than three years after the target was set, tech chiefs have revealed.

Steve McManus 02formalweb

Trust CEO drafted in to replace departing ICS leader


The chief executive of a successful acute trust is to take over as the interim leader of an integrated care system.

Angela Hillery - Photo

Pritchard’s NHSE different in ‘tone, intent and accessibility’, say top CEOs


NHS England chief executive Amanda Pritchard has been praised for transforming the organisation’s relationship with local leaders by the NHS’s most highly regarded chief executives.

Caroline Clarke

NHS England ‘hasn’t got long’ to develop ‘operating model’ for system working


NHS England and local leaders must urgently develop a coherent ‘operating model’ for the era of integrated care systems or see the reforms fail, leading trust chief executives have told HSJ.

Joe Harrison

‘We are presiding over a failing NHS,’ say leading trust CEOs


A lack of accountability is causing the quality of NHS services to crumble, according to some of the most respected trust chief executives.


Leak reveals winners from NHSE surgery centralisation


Eleven hospitals have been chosen as specialist surgical centres as part of a controversial reconfiguration led by NHS England, according to internal documents seen by HSJ.

Breast cancer radiology

NHS England admits it will miss cancer backlog target


The NHS will miss its target for clearing the backlog of long waiters for cancer, NHS England’s national director has conceded.

Doctor with face mask visor PPE

Staff covid death payouts set to top £40m


NHS death in service payments for health and social care staff who died with coronavirus are set to top £40m, HSJ analysis reveals.

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Exclusive: One in four critical care units got busier in past week


The number of patients in critical care grew at one in four English hospital trusts in the past week, despite overall covid-19 occupancy falling, HSJ can reveal.


Revealed: the nine hospital trusts where covid patients fill at least half the beds


Nine English NHS trusts now have at least half their adult acute beds occupied by covid-positive patients, with admissions still growing in every case.


Patient Safety Awards winners unveiled


The winners of the 2020 HSJ Patient Safety Awards have been revealed at an online ceremony.