University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust

Emergency, service redesign, A&E

40% of funding targeted at improving emergency care goes unspent


Fourty per cent of the £150m capital funding pot NHS England made available to incentivise urgent and emergency care improvements was not distributed, data shown to HSJ reveals.

University Hospital Southampton FT

Staff ‘belittled’ for contacting senior doctors, NHSE finds


The safety of a teaching hospital’s out-of-hours supervision has been questioned, including reports that trainees were told not to ask for help “unless your patient is dying”.

East Surrey Hospital main entrance

Revealed: Trusts most reliant on oil for their energy


Oil consumption across the NHS estate has seen its largest annual increase in a decade, as trusts turn to the fuel for emergencies and surges in demand.


Hospitals to review concrete risks to ‘maintain safety and confidence’


NHS boards have been told to obtain extra assurance around the risks to unsafe concrete beams in their estate, following the sudden closure of school buildings.

Royal Hampshire

ICB and seven trusts put in ‘recovery’ after refusing to submit balanced financial plan


An integrated care board and all seven of its member trusts have been placed into the ‘recovery support programmes’ – formerly known as special measures – by NHS England, after declaring a deficit plan for 2023-24.

Agency nurse

Deficit trusts face ‘intimidating conversations’ and orders to hold down staffing


NHS England has told many trusts and systems they are not allowed to increase their staffing establishment in the next 12 months, HSJ has learned.

Solar panel

Sixteen trusts win £150m for green energy projects


Sixteen trusts have been allocated a combined £150m for heat pumps and other projects to reduce emissions from their estates.


NHS leaders ‘filled with dread’ ahead of ambulance strike


National, system and trust leaders have told HSJ they fear for the safety of patients and the wellbeing of staff as the NHS experiences its first ambulance strike for 32 years.


Trusts need hundreds of millions to stop hospitals’ roofs collapsing


Trusts need hundreds of millions of pounds to remediate dangerous roofs.

University College London Hospital

‘Four-hour rush’ continuing at top A&Es


Hospital trusts are still treating many patients just before the four-hour A&E target deadline, whose proposed abolition was reversed by government yesterday, HSJ analysis has revealed.

Psychiatric hospital

Large hospital trusts still missing key crisis support in A&E


Some of the country’s leading acute hospitals are not meeting a key NHS standard for mental health support in emergency departments, HSJ research suggests, with some regions faring better than others.

Terry Robets

Exclusive: NHSE appoints joint equality lead


NHS England has appointed a major trust’s chief people officer as its new joint director of equality, diversity and inclusion, HSJ has learned.


ICSs set for £1bn+ gap in first year despite new money


Local systems face a financial gap of more than £1bn in 2022-23, even after factoring in additional inflation funding provided by NHS England last week.

James Illman 3x2

Recovery Watch: The great follow-ups revolution


Recovering services from the covid crisis is the big task for NHS leaders for the foreseeable future. The Recovery Watch newsletter tracks prospects and progress. This week by HSJ bureau chief and performance lead James Illman.

Gas flame USE

Trusts face uncosted £4m rise in energy bills


Some NHS trusts are reporting huge hikes to their gas and electricity bills, with finance chiefs expecting increases of up to £4m in this financial year.

Nurse doctor

Revealed: The best and worst trusts to be a junior doctor


HSJ analysis of data from the latest General Medical Council national training survey has revealed the top and bottom trusts for overall experience for junior doctors.


HSJ Value Awards 2021: Respiratory Care Initiative of the Year


The Children’s Community Respiratory Physiotherapy Service are a team of four specialist physiotherapists. The service was established to improve outcomes, quality of life and experience for children with complex disorders, in line with the NHS long term plan.


‘Significant risks to patient safety and trust’s reputation’ uncovered by external review


A gastroenterology service was ‘in a very poor state with significant risks to patient safety’ and had poor teamworking which ‘blighted’ the service, an external review found.

coins toppling

How the apprenticeship levy can help support and develop managers


The covid crisis has brought some human resource issues in the NHS to a head with some staff feeling demoralised and exhausted. An HSJ webinar, supported by Corndel, explored how the levy money can be used to support managers and rekindle their enthusiasm and passion to work in the NHS

paula head

Trust chief steps down to join national covid testing team


The chief executive of a hospital trust is standing down to join national work on testing for covid-19, HSJ understands.