University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust

Financial spreadsheets

Revealed: the trusts furthest behind on efficiency plans


A total of 20 trusts had achieved only 30 per cent or less of their 2024-25 planned efficiency programmes by the end of October, with four delivering below 20 per cent, research by HSJ  has revealed.

Patient Safety Watch logo

Patient Safety Watch: Barriers to learning


HSJ hosts the Patient Safety Watch newsletter, written by Patient Safety Watch chief executive James Titcombe

Maria Kane

Trusts take ‘uncomfortable’ step to share capital budget


Two large trusts are planning to share their capital allocations as part of their “group” arrangement, in a move its CEO said may feel “a little bit uncomfortable”.


Departing CEO given £120,000 back pay


A trust chief executive was given £120,000 in back pay and a total £380,000 in salary payments shortly before leaving the role, it has emerged.

Maria Kane

CEO appointed for £2bn hospital group


Two city acute trusts have announced a joint chief executive.

Ingrid Barker

New £2bn hospital group appoints chair


Two trusts which are forming a hospital group have appointed a new chair.

agreement, handshake,merger,merge,takeover

City’s two acutes to share CEO and chair


A city’s two acute trusts have announced plans to share a chair and chief executive.

Eugine Yafele - Chief Executive

Top trust CEO quits for overseas job less than two years into role


A former HSJ top chief executive has announced he is leaving the NHS after accepting a job in Australia, less than two years into his current role.

University Hospitals Plymouth Trust

Revealed: Four trusts report quarter of all ‘critical incidents’


More than a quarter of ‘critical incidents’ have been declared by just four trusts since the start of the crisis in urgent and emergency care.


A&E handover delays ‘still getting worse at some hospitals’


Ambulance chiefs say handover delays have got worse at some trusts in recent months, despite the picture improving nationally since last winter.


Strike exemption requests not approved despite staffing concerns


Updated: Several trusts’ requests for exemptions from junior doctors’ strike actions — citing difficulties securing enough shifts to safely staff services — were not approved, and in one case withdrawn by the British Medical Association.

Digital awards 2023 logo

HSJ Digital Awards 2023: Digital Team of the Year


WINNER: University Hospitals Bristol and Weston Foundation Trust: To Infinity and Beyond! – Digitising a Children’s Emergency Department, and Interfacing Partner Services

Digital awards 2023 logo

HSJ Digital Awards 2023: Digital Leader of the Year


WINNER: Dr Mark Lyttle: University Hospitals Bristol and Weston Foundation Trust

Weston General Hospital

Regulator clears trust to bring back junior doctors


Up to 10 junior doctor posts will be reinstated at a small district general hospital after regulators agreed it had improved its learning environment.

Weston General Hospital

Furious trust rejects BMA’s claim it ‘abused’ strike deal


The trust accused of “abusing” strike agreements by the British Medical Association has told HSJ it rejects the allegation that it “misled” the union and NHS England.

Angela Hillery 3x2

New number one trust CEO revealed


The overarching theme of HSJ’s 2023 ranking of the NHS’s leading provider trust chief executives is one of change. Twenty-four of the names in the top 50 are new when compared to the 2022 list, although some have appeared in the rankings during previous years.

Psychiatric hospital

Large hospital trusts still missing key crisis support in A&E


Some of the country’s leading acute hospitals are not meeting a key NHS standard for mental health support in emergency departments, HSJ research suggests, with some regions faring better than others.

Waiting room

Revealed: NHS England’s list of trusts with worst elective and cancer problems


Almost a third of acute trusts have been identified by NHS England as being ‘at risk’ of missing key targets for electives and cancer recovery, with some facing ‘periodic calls between ministers and CEOs’, HSJ can reveal.


Summer crisis deepens as trolley waits hit new high


Performance figures deteriorated to record lows this month as the unprecedented summer NHS crisis deepens, with trolley waits reaching a new high point and the waiting list growing to more than 6.7 million people.

Angela Hillery - Photo

Pritchard’s NHSE different in ‘tone, intent and accessibility’, say top CEOs


NHS England chief executive Amanda Pritchard has been praised for transforming the organisation’s relationship with local leaders by the NHS’s most highly regarded chief executives.