All London articles – Page 164
HSJ Local
NHS Haringey heading for £17m acute overspend
FINANCE: A primary care trust is looking at a year-end overspend of £17m with its local and out-of-sector acute providers.
HSJ Local
NHS Hammersmith & Fulham predicting year-end surplus
FINANCE: A primary care trust is expecting a year-end surplus of £3.5m
HSJ Local
NHS Brent contributes £5.4m to the rest of its PCT cluster
FINANCE: The north west London primary care trust was predicting a break even position at year end, against a plan of £17.2m
HSJ Local
NHS Enfield's deficit £6.7m worse than plan at month eight
FINANCE: A primary care trust’s deficit position slipped to £10.5m two-thirds of the way through this financial year.
HSJ Local
NHS Richmond's CFT moves step closer to acquiring PCT estate
FINANCE: An aspirant community foundation trust has moved a step closer to taking control of the assets of its commissioner primary care trust.
HSJ Local
West London Mental Health Trust to consult on closure of specialist in-patient service
FINANCE: A mental health trust is holding a consultation into the closure of a specialist personality disorder service.
HSJ Local
North West London Hospitals Trust struggles on emergency four-hour target
PERFORMANCE: An acute trust is under pressure to meet the four-hour A&E target after a six per cent rise in attendances
HSJ Local
Croydon Health Services Trust making progress on agency spend
WORKFORCE: A hospital and its vertically integrated community services have made progress on reducing the proportion of agency staff employed.
HSJ Local
NHS Islington acute commissioning budget overspent by £6.7m
FINANCE: The north London PCT was overspent after the first nine months of 2010/11 with a forecast deficit of £8.9m.
HSJ Local
NHS Brent hits smoking cessation target
A north-west London PCT has hit its targets for smoking cessation.
HSJ Local
NHS Wandsworth predicting year-end surplus
FINANCE: A south-west London PCT is predicting a surplus of £5.4m.
HSJ Local
Central London Community Healthcare acquires fourth provider arm
STRUCTURE: An aspirant community foundation trust is set to become one of the largest in the country after NHS Barnet voted to transfer its provider arm to it.
HSJ Local
NHS Sutton & Merton allowed to work to below target chlamydia screening goal
PERFORMANCE: The primary care trust, which is predicting a year-end deficit, will be working to an “internal target” of 15 per cent after “financial reductions” meant it wouldn’t make the national target of 35 per cent.
HSJ Local
The Tavistock and Portman Foundation Trust establishes partnership with top US university
STRUCTURE: The north London specialist mental health trust is working with Yale University on infant mental health training.
HSJ Local
NHS Barnet asks SHA to be excused repayment of £45.4m loan
FINANCE: The north London primary care trust has written to NHS London’s challenged trust board asking if the sum they received this financial year could be written off.
HSJ Local
South West London and St George's Mental Health Trust hits SHA savings targets but misses its own
FINANCE; The mental health organisation achieved the £6.2m Cost Improvement Programme target set by NHS London.
HSJ Local
Barts and the London Trust still above agency staff budget
WORKFORCE: The east london acute trust missed its 3.5 per cent target in December, board papers revealed.
HSJ Local
North Middlesex University Hospital Trust declined in more than half of its quality indicators in December
PERFORMANCE: Thirty-eight of the trust’s performance measures were worse than they were in November.
HSJ Local
The Royal Free Hampstead Trust is on target to meet its planned surplus
FINANCE: The north London hospital is on track for a £4.6m surplus, in line with its plans
HSJ Local
Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Trust has been cleared to proceed with £90m PFI rebuild
STRUCTURE: The north London specialist trust was given permission to place an advert for partners for the scheme by NHS London in December.