All London articles – Page 176

  • News

    Barts and London apologises to patients for delays


    Barts and the London trust has apologised to 573 patients who had to wait an average of 34 weeks for their operations.An investigation by the trust found that one of its seven bookings teams was offering patients operations at short notice, against NHS rules that say 21 days' notice is ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Prison mental health services - jailhouse blues


    Faced with huge numbers of mentally ill offenders, London's forensic mental health services are struggling to cope. Rebecca Norris reports

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Rehabilitation in palliative care: a team approach


    In 2003, a unique allied health professional team was set up to work with palliative patients at St Mary's Hospital, part of the Imperial College Healthcare trust. Helene Hibbert explains how it works

  • News

    Foundation says it will use surplus to loosen PFI ties


    The chief executive of the foundation trust with the biggest cash surplus has said his organisation will use its £120m to minimise its dependence on the private finance initiative.

  • News

    Capital's PCTs give Darzi the thumbs up


    Polyclinics are likely to be up and running across London by April 2009 following primary care trusts' endorsement of proposals in Lord Darzi's Healthcare for London.

  • Comment

    David Lee on handling a killing


    One piece of news mental health trust directors dread above almost any other is that of a homicide by a local service user.

  • News

    London PCTs back Darzi vision


    London's 31 primary care trusts have endorsed health minister Lord Darzi's Healthcare for London proposals and agreed to move ahead with a network of polyclinics and specialist hospitals.The move follows a six-month consultation on the plans. NHS London stressed it is a 'framework and not about specific services'. However, the ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Stephen Ramsden on measurement


    There is an old adage, 'if you can't measure it, you can't manage it', and measurement has been a big ingredient of NHS performance management.

  • Comment

    David Amos on NHS apprenticeships


    Last autumn, Chinese premier Wen Jiabao delivered a speech to the Communist Party congress entitled, 'Hold High the Great Banner of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Strive for New Victories in Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in all Respects'.

  • Comment

    David Woodhead and Adrian Kelly on reducing teenage pregnancy


    With the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in western Europe, the UK needed to take serious steps to meet its goal of halving incidents by 2010

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Putting land assets to use


    Faced with a large piece of poorly used prime real estate right next to a top teaching hospital in central London, Guy's and St Thomas' Charity brought the developers in to build housing for key workers. Louise Hunt reports

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Improving psychiatric intensive care training


    A 10-day web-based training course on psychiatric intensive care is aimed at improving services for the most vulnerable patients.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Boardroom demography


    Trawling NHS organisations' websites turned up few boards with truly diverse representation. Nicola Bullen asks why this is the case

  • News

    PCTs told to target London reforms at the vulnerable


    Primary care trusts must act urgently to ensure the shake-up of services in the capital improves the welfare of vulnerable groups, the London Health Commission has warned.

  • Leader

    King's puts smart money on private sector


    The decision of King's College Hospital foundation trust to appoint corporate big-hitter Tim Smart to its top job will provide a fascinating trial for private sector management techniques at the highest levels of the NHS.

  • News

    King's College Hospital appoints new chief executive


    King's College Hospital in London has become the first foundation trust to appoint a chief executive directly from the private sector. Tim Smart, currently chief executive of BT Global Services UK, will take up the post in October.

  • News

    King's College Hospital foundation trust appoints chief


    Tim Smart has been appointed chief executive of King's College Hospital foundation trust.

  • News

    NHS London chair to step down


    NHS London chair George Greener has announced he is to resign from his position for family reasons.

  • News

    Darzi review: London told to press on with polyclinics


    Primary care trusts in the capital are being told to push on with plans to introduce the ‘full range’ of poly-clinic models envisaged by Lord Darzi in the face of heavy criticism.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Hospital franchises - quantum leap


    The Royal Marsden is pioneering a satellite cancer unit at another hospital. Will the franchise model play a big part in the era of choice and competition? Helen Mooney finds out