All London articles – Page 179

  • News

    London launches obesity taskforce


    London mayor Ken Livingstone has announced plans to establish a London-wide group to ensure the capital meets the government's target to reduce childhood obesity.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Stephen Ramsden on punitive processes


    How best can we drive up quality and safety in the NHS? The Darzi review will be important in determining the right balance between regulation and organisationally driven approaches. This is not an either/or scenario. We need both, but too much regulation will be counter-productive and demoralising to staff.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Value for many - improving learning difficulties services


    A consultation on learning difficulties services seeks to help most service users to live in the community, while increasing monitoring and support. Mark Gould reports

  • Comment

    Noel Plumridge on resource allocation


    Buried on page 39 of the 2008-09 operating framework are two bland statements. The first says primary care trusts will receive an increase of 5.5 per cent or £3.8m in revenue allocations in 2008-09, with allocations announced for one year and no changes to PCT baselines.

  • News

    Patients denied admission as PCTs argue over who will pay


    Patients deemed to be a threat to themselves or others are being denied hospital beds while commissioners squabble over money.

  • News

    Family drug and alcohol court opens doors


    The first specialist drug and alcohol court in Britain has begun a three-year pilot.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    View from the front line: redesigning care


    Understanding the concerns and challenges facing staff on the ground is essential to good management. In this new series HSJ goes back to the floor to get the views and opinions of frontline workers

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Streamlining interpreting services in the NHS


    Changing the way interpreting services are used can save money and improve patient care, as Roz de Silva explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Ethnicity recording: an unequal race?


    Lord Darzi's vision for the NHS expects us to deliver 'effective, higher quality services that are safe, personalised to individual needs, and equally available to all'. Yet the Healthcare Commission's 2007 web audit of race equality found only 9 per cent of NHS trusts were publishing all that is required ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Managers who went from Richmond House to the NHS


    Life at the top of the health service is enough to make even the toughest go-getter think of quitting, which is what our interviewees did - only to jump back in at a more grass-roots level. HSJ finds out about now and then

  • News

    Royal Marsden's cool heads and smart systems


    In the wake of the west London fire, Ingrid Torjesen looks at how the hospital coped and whether emergency planning has moved on since 7/7

  • News

    Patients bid to save Henderson Hospital


    Inpatients of Henderson Hospital at South West London and St George's Mental Health trust have launched a legal bid to prevent its closure.

  • News

    Hospitals' teamwork saves lives at Marsden


    When fire ripped through the Royal Marsden specialist cancer hospital in west London last week, the first phone call was to the fire brigade and the second to the Royal Brompton heart and lung hospital around the corner.

  • News

    Royal Marsden open to patients again


    The Royal Marsden Hospital in south west London has opened to patients for the first time since suffering a major fire last week.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    David Lee on managing risk


    One of the joys of NHS management is that you learn something new every day - sometimes an awful lot. Take, for example, the assurance framework and risk register. Not long ago, if I'd been asked about them in a pub quiz I'd have had to guess. But now I ...

  • News

    N Ireland change leader to take NHS London job


    The chief executive of Northern Ireland's shadow Health and Social Care Authority is to leave the NHS there for a job with NHS London.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Secure care: improving life in locked wards


    The latest specifications for housing patients in medium secure care clarify the rules and include welcome proposals to improve life in locked wards. Rebecca Norris reports

  • News

    London trust praises devolution


    University College London Hospitals foundation trust is claiming significant savings and improvements in service quality by devolving budgets to clinical leads and directors.

  • News

    Figures underpinning Darzi's London review 'dodgy'


    Questions have been raised over the 1.4bn annual savings identified in junior health minister Lord Darzi’s blueprint for healthcare in London.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Managing A&E demand


    An inner London PCT with a high number of Bangladeshi people going to A&E ran a campaign which altered attendance behaviours