All London articles – Page 182

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Commissioning: a problem shared


    Many reforms must rest on well-supported commissioners. Specialist services and agencies serving clusters of primary care trusts mean help is at hand, reports Daloni Carlisle

  • News

    Academic health science centre gets go-ahead


    TheUK’s first academic health science centre has been given the green light by health secretary Alan Johnson.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Tongue twisters


    English language training opportunities that assist access to and performance in healthcare jobs are under threat, says Paul Gander

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Green shoots of recovery


    In the last of our series on organisational turnaround, we peer through the breaks in the clouds around two once-troubled trusts

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Sexual health courses in London


    The South West London HIV and GUM clinical services network will be holding two-day sexual health courses in the coming months.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Optimising health outcomes through networking


    Measuring outcomes should become part of the mainstream commissioning process, says Stuart Rowe

  • News

    Text messages help smokers kick the habit


    Smokers in north London are benefiting from mobile support to help them give up the habit.

  • News

    Mixed performance in community mental healthcare


    Pace of change and improvement in community mental healthcare has been variable and service users are often too little involved in their care, according to a review carried out by the Healthcare Commission and the Commission for Social Care Inspection. It said that although services had improved, some people still ...

  • News

    New appointment for NHS London


    Dr Simon Tanner has been appointed the new director of public health for NHS London.

  • News

    New NHS London chief executive named


    Ruth Carnell has been appointed chief executive of NHS London, after taking on the post on an interim basis last September when David Nicholson was appointed NHS chief executive.Mr Nicholson commented: ëI strongly believe we have found the right person to lead the NHS in London. Since she took up ...

  • News

    New faces at NHS London


    Anthony Sumara has been appointed as turnaround director at NHS London. Mr Sumara will take up the post immediately while continuing as interim chief executive of Hillingdon primary care trust.NHS London has also appointed Paul Baumann as its director of finance and performance.Read more here

  • News

    London PCTs fear provider role is being overlooked


    Directors of London primary care trusts lack confidence in the future development of and investment in community health services, according to a survey.

  • News

    NHS London chiefs to face London assembly


    The chair and interim chief executive of NHS London Dr George Greener and Ruth Carnall are to be questioned by the London Assembly's health and public services committee this week.Questions on finances, service provision and immunisation are expected at the Wednesday meeting.Foe more information go to ...

  • News

    Jobs at risk as trusts 'face £100m crisis'


    Patient services and jobs are at risk as London trusts face a £75m cash crisis, figures obtained by HSJ show.

  • News

    Power of London


    If Londoners vote 'yes' to a mayor, the capital's NHS may be finally united. Mark Crail reports

  • News

    London Ambulance suspends two managers after sackings tribunal


    London Ambulance Service trust has suspended two managers following an industrial tribunal finding in favour of two workers sacked after a damning report by the managers into their conduct.

  • News

    Is Cap'n Dobson set to jump ship to HMS London? BY MICHAEL WHITE


    Another turbulent seven days culminating in those weekend reports that, yes, hospital waiting lists are still growing, by 1,000 a week if figures compiled by Lib Dem health spokesman Simon Hughes are to be believed. It is proving just as hard to slow down and reverse the Atlantic liner as ...

  • News



    So the London review is out and decisions taken (News, page 3, 5 February). I hope the residents of south-west London can begin to take a positive view of the future for Roehampton Hospital, to be 'reduced to a community hospital' as the newspapers put it.

  • News

    London's turning


    Bart's may be 'saved', but the capital's health services are revealed to be still in a state of dangerous disarray.