All London articles – Page 68

  • Ben Clover
    Expert Briefing

    London Eye: 2012 all over again?


    Essential insight into England’s biggest health economy, by Ben Clover

  • Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    Deputy chief executive leaves teaching hospital


    WORKFORCE: The deputy chief executive and chief operating officer of Imperial College Healthcare Trust is leaving, HSJ can reveal.

  • Pay slip

    Regulator lobbied government to increase trust chairs’ pay


    Letters reveal how TDA chair lobbied ministers to increase the salary cap for NHS trust chairs Sir Peter Carr referred to perceived “injustice” felt by some trust chairs, whose salaries were in “stark contrast” to those at FTs Department of Health has no plans to increase standard rates ...

  • Leeds General Infirmary

    Some trust chairs paid up to £45,000


    Standard salary for chair of non-foundation trusts is capped at £23,600, but exceptions can be agreed with the government TDA letters explain how chairs at two London trusts indicated they could not “agree to commit to a further term of office at their current rate” Annual reports show variation ...

  • Ben Clover
    Expert Briefing

    London Eye: Two very different trusts, united by failure


    What is going on in England’s biggest health economy, by Ben Clover

  • Calender

    Revealed: Trust has 1,000 patients waiting over a year for treatment


    East London trust has 1,015 patients waiting more than a year on elective RTT pathway Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals Trust’s total dwarfs reported national figure True national total not known as large acute trusts fail to report waiting times data Normal0falsefalsefalseEN-GBX-NONEX-NONE/* Style Definitions */table.MsoNormalTable{mso-style-name:"Table Normal";mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0;mso-tstyle-colband-size:0;mso-style-noshow:yes;mso-style-priority:99;mso-style-parent:"";mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt ...

  • Barton Park

    Simon Stevens reveals first 10 'healthy new towns'


    Simon Stevens unveils 10 sites to be part of Healthy New Towns programme NHS England aims to “design in” health focused features, including fast food free zones near schools and dementia friendly streets Clinicians, designers and technology experts to shape care provision in each location NHS England chief ...

  • Homerton University Hospital
    HSJ Local

    CQC admits it missed things at ‘unacceptable’ maternity unit


    Chief inspector of hospitals indicates regulator found things in second inspection of Homerton University Hospital it missed in first inspection Re-inspection triggered by deaths of five mothers over 18 months CQC board member says trusts able to prepare before announced inspections to “show off the hospitals in the best ...

  • Great Ormond Street
    HSJ Local

    Iconic specialist hospital discovers 7,000 patients missed off waiting list


    Great Ormond Street Hospital finds 7,000 patients who should have been on its waiting list that were not recorded “Small number” of patients sent to other providers as GOSH seeks to ensure no patients were harmed GOSH has not reported waiting times data since July PERFORMANCE: An internationally ...

  • London tube train

    London: Best and worst staff survey performers


    Analysis of the best and worst performers in the London region on key measures in the NHS staff survey 2015.

  • Waiting room

    NHS England stands by decision to approve CCG for co-commissioning


    NHS England London defends process that saw Barnet CCG given more primary care commissioning powers CCG was authorised to do this, along with others in north London, a month after Verita report into conflicts of interest was completed NHS England says it “monitor issues like this closely” to ensure ...

  • Bridge
  • Nursing home

    GPs may have been paid twice for care home work, whistleblower claimed


    Whistleblower claimed GPs could be paid twice for the same work in care homes Verita report found “no evidence” concerns were investigated after he was dismissed CCG had no idea what money was included in “retainer” payments from care homes GPs in Barnet may have been paid twice ...

  • Board table

    CCG probe discovers multiple leadership failings


    The Verita report into whistleblowing concerns at Barnet Clinical Commissioning Group exposes multiple failings of process, governance and leadership, HSJ can reveal.

  • London streets

    Conflict of interest confusion 'common' among CCGs


    Confusion in clinical commissioning groups about how involved GPs should be in designing services is “a common issue” nationwide, senior NHS England figures told investigators.

  • Whistle

    Exclusive: CCG whistleblower sacked days after raising conflicts of interest


    Manager at Barnet CCG dismissed after raising conflicts of interest Verita report says he should have been protected by the CCG’s whistleblowing policy and legislation Senior CCG staff said they were not aware he was making a whistleblowing complaint and contract was terminated because of sickness absence A ...

  • Sir Robert Naylor

    Naylor appointed as government estates tsar


    UCLH chief executive will also focus on NHS land and buildings in London Comes after Lord Carter predicted that £1bn could be saved by 2019-20 through more efficient use of estates in the acute sector Lord Prior has suggested the work will help the government meet its “housing ambitions” ...

  • primary care
    HSJ Local

    Virgin legal challenge forces CCG to row back primary care plans


    Hull CCG wants to create geographical groups of practices, each operating as larger scale providers HSJ understands initial plan to create the groups were challenged by Virgin Care There will now be a full procurement process for eight GP practices, grouped into four lots COMMERICAL: A legal challenge ...

  • Ambulance
    HSJ Local

    Special measures ambulance trust chair steps down after seven years


    Chair of London Ambulance Service Trust to step down Richard Hunt due to be replaced by Heather Lawrence LAS is only ambulance trust in England to have been placed in special measures An ambulance trust put into special measures last year has appointed a new chair.

  • Claire Murdoch

    Updated noon: 14 chiefs now deny support for contract imposition


    14 chief executives out of 20 who were listed on Sir David Dalton’s letter say they did and do not support imposition of new contract Contrasts with Jeremy Hunt’s apparent suggestion to Parliament that he had their backing Sir David tells HSJ the chief executives listed had not been ...