All Luton and Dunstable University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust articles
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Top trusts failed mortuary security checks
Some of England’s most prestigious trusts have been caught with inadequate security for their mortuaries – despite recent high-profile breaches, HSJ can reveal.
HSJ Local
‘Very high’ DNA rates caused by IT failures, trust discovers
An acute trust has discovered an IT issue which appears to have led to “very high” numbers of patients not turning up for their appointments.
Trust complains of ‘very harsh’ exclusion from national costing report
Fourteen trusts have had their financial data excluded from a national survey of spending due to accounting errors, in a process that one described as ‘very harsh’.
‘Medically fit’ patients caught covid while waiting for discharge, trust admits
A hospital trust has admitted that ‘medically fit’ patients caught covid on its wards while waiting to be discharged, with some of the cases under investigation.
ICS criticised for ‘poor relationships’ and NHS leaders ‘jumping to Stevens’ commands’
A review of a health system deemed to be among the most advanced in terms of partnership working has discovered poor relationships and a lack of trust between partners.
Patients eight times more likely to die following major surgery at outlier hospitals
Death rates for a major emergency abdominal surgery are almost eight times higher at some outlier hospitals compared with top performers, a national report has found.
HSJ Awards
HSJ Value Awards 2020: Diabetes Care Initiative of the Year
Winner Guy’s and St Thomas’ Foundation Trust: Youth Empowerment Skills Programme (YES) The Youth Empowerment Skills (YES) programme is a psycho-educational intervention for young people (age 14-20 years) with type 1 diabetes, co-developed by young people and co-delivered by a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, youth workers and peer educators. ...
Capital funding boost gives new life to long-delayed trust merger
A merger to create a £600m turnover trust is back on the cards after last weeks’ government capital funding announcement.
Pensions crisis forces trust to give doctors time off in lieu
Consultants at a major teaching trust were offered time off in lieu to stop them refusing extra work because of the ongoing NHS pensions crisis, HSJ has learned.
Revealed: The 20 capital projects promised by the PM
The government has unveiled a list of 20 new capital investment projects worth a total of £853m.
Twenty big NHS building projects that need Boris’ cash
With the new prime minister poised to announce NHS building projects, HSJ has identified 20 of the most significant hospital infrastructure schemes that require big injections of capital funding, often to address pressing problems with care quality.
Trust merger ‘inevitable’ despite ongoing funding issues
A trust chief executive has said merging with its leading neighbour is ‘inevitable’ despite ongoing failures to secure funding.
Expert Briefing
Performance Watch: Lessons from the trial of new A&E targets
Performance Watch is HSJ’s fortnightly expert briefing on the most pressing performance matters troubling system leaders. Contact me in confidence here.
Plans to trial sepsis target could be dropped
Plans to trial a new standalone one-hour sepsis target for emergency departments as part of the NHS standards review pilot could be dropped, HSJ understands.
Fourteen trusts to be excused from reporting A&E target during controversial trial
Fresh concerns have been raised about how NHS England is conducting its controversial pilot of new accident and emergency standards.
Pathology contract extended amid merger doubts
A trust has extended its pathology contract with a public-private partnership as doubts have emerged over a planned merger with a neighbour.
Revealed: The trusts testing the new A&E targets
NHS England has selected 14 hospital trusts to test new accident and emergency standards which could replace the four-hour target.
New low for A&E after proposals to ditch target
NHS performance against the four-hour accident and emergency target hit a new record low in February – for the second month in a row.
A&E performance hits lowest level
NHS performance against the four-hour accident and emergency target hit a record low in January on both the overall and type 1 category for major emergency departments.
ICS forced to agree new governance after council quits
Health leaders in one of the first wave of “integrated care systems” have been forced to agree new ad hoc ways of working with a council, after it formally quit the partnership, it has emerged.