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Trust appoints neighbour’s chair after 16-month search
A trust with long-standing leadership and performance problems has appointed a neighbouring provider’s chair, after 16 months of temporary arrangements.
Revealed: the trusts furthest behind on efficiency plans
A total of 20 trusts had achieved only 30 per cent or less of their 2024-25 planned efficiency programmes by the end of October, with four delivering below 20 per cent, research by HSJ has revealed.
Trust faces legal action after admin and IT failures cause ‘severe harm’
Fourteen patients suffered severe harm and 20 moderate harm after they were “lost to follow-up” by a hospital trust, it has admitted.
1,500 patients may need retest over potential results error
Hundreds of patients are being contacted over potentially incorrect results at a second NHS trust, as more laboratories report concerns over diabetes tests, HSJ understands.
C difficile rates hit 13-year high
C difficile cases rose to their highest level in more than a decade, official data published this month shows.
Local leaders should run NHSE regions, suggest trust CEOs
NHS England’s regional leadership should largely constitute senior executives seconded from local NHS organisations, some of the country’s leading trust CEOs have suggested.
NHS faces multimillion compensation bill after sex assaults
The NHS is facing a multimillion pound compensation bill for the crimes carried out by mortuary sex offender David Fuller.
Revealed: the trusts with the worst summer A&E handover delays
Patients stuck in ambulances queuing outside A&Es have waited an average of over two hours at two trusts this summer, data published for the first time reveals.
Auditors discover ‘significant weakness’ in trust’s financial plans
An external auditor has warned of a “significant weakness” in a high-performing trust’s financial sustainability because of its under-delivery on efficiency savings.
Exclusive: Lack of surgery capacity adding to risk for babies and mothers
A lack of surgery capacity at dozens of maternity units is adding to the risk of serious harm to mothers and newborn babies, HSJ has found.
Trust to take on 2,500 long-waiters after buying private hospital
A trust that recently bought a small private hospital is to take on 2,500 long-waiters from across its integrated care system.
40% of funding targeted at improving emergency care goes unspent
Fourty per cent of the £150m capital funding pot NHS England made available to incentivise urgent and emergency care improvements was not distributed, data shown to HSJ reveals.
EXCLUSIVE: Trusts regularly breaching security standards
Twenty one serious security failures at hospital mortuaries were discovered by the Human Tissues Authority between April 2022 and March 2024, HSJ can reveal.
Pharma exec named chair of high-performing trust
A new chair has been appointed at one of England’s best performing trusts.
IT system which sparked safety alert dropped by 13 trusts
More than a dozen trusts have changed their maternity IT system – or are in the process of doing so – following a national patient safety alert.
Trust takes over private hospital
A successful acute trust has bought a private hospital for just under £10m to increase elective capacity.
Trusts offered up to £4m to make last-ditch attempt on A&E target
NHS England has confirmed new financial incentives for trusts to deliver strong performance against the four-hour emergency target this month.
ICB pauses work on new stroke unit after ‘assurance’ concerns
A decade-long bid to establish a hyper-acute stroke unit has been delayed further after commissioners raised “assurance” concerns.
Maternity unit rated ‘inadequate’ after delayed Caesarean warning
A trust’s main maternity unit has been rated “inadequate” and given a warning notice amid concerns delayed Caesarean sections are causing harm to babies.
Five trust CEOs were paid more than £300,000 last year
Several trust chief executives were paid more than £300,000 in 2022-23, including adjustments for previous underpayments, pay in lieu of pension contributions, and redundancy packages.