All Managers in Partnership (MiP) articles – Page 5
Voluntary redundancies dominate PCT pay-offs
Two thirds of the cost of paying off primary care trust managers to make early financial savings went on allowing them to retire early or volunteer to leave the NHS.
AQP staff to receive NHS pension under Treasury proposal
The government is considering extending the NHS pension to private firms doing health service work under the “any qualified provider” scheme, even where staff have not been formally transferred from the health service.
PCT staff to be designated 'affected by change'
A primary care trust cluster is to write to all 800 members of staff to inform them they are “affected by change”, HSJ has learned.
Cuts to commissioning management 'risk quality and savings'
Managers in Partnership has criticised plans to half the number of staff working on key parts of NHS planning and commissioning.
Exclusive: DH leak reveals uncertainty over 11,000 PCT jobs
A leaked Department of Health document shows for the first time where commissioning staff could move to in the restructured NHS – however it also reveals confusion over the fate of thousands of jobs.
Unions consult on pensions deal
Unions are warning their members they will need to be prepared for a sustained period of industrial action if they reject the government’s latest and “final” offer on the NHS pension scheme, HSJ understands.
Unions reach pension agreement with ministers
Unions representing NHS employees have agreed to suspend plans for further industrial action pending consideration of the government’s “final” offer on pensions.
Escalating staff tensions feared as Osborne squeezes pay
George Osborne’s clampdown on pay on the eve of today’s (Wednesday 30 November) national public sector strike comes as managers are fearful of worsening staff tensions.
NHS workers vote to strike
NHS staff and managers have voted to strike at the end of the month in protest at planned changes to public sector pensions.
Lansley sets out 'four tests' for hospital bailout and threatens to sack boards
Andrew Lansley has said trusts who want loans as they try to achieve foundation status will have to pass four tests.
DH commissioning support vision revealed
The Department of Health’s vision for the development of commissioning support, which reveals the services likely to be delivered on a national scale, has been leaked to HSJ.
Exclusive: SHA cluster chief executives appointed without competition
Just one candidate was interviewed for the post of chief executive in each of the three new strategic health authority clusters, HSJ can reveal.
Union ballots a million workers on pensions action
Over a million public sector workers including NHS managers, nurses and other healthcare staff are being balloted this week on strike action over pensions changes
Strike ballot 'extraordinarily difficult' for managers, admits MiP
Managers in Partnership has written to members explaining the “extraordinarily difficult” decision to ballot for strike action over pensions changes.
NHS managers to be balloted for industrial action, HSJ learns
Members of Managers in Partnership will be asked whether they want to join action being planned by unions including Unison, to which MiP is aligned, against changes to public sector pensions.
Health unions unite to warn government over pensions
Unions representing workers across the health service have warned they could stage coordinated industrial action if agreement cannot be reached on the future of the NHS pension scheme.
Eighty trusts call in lawyers over board level exits
Nearly 80 NHS organisations have employed law firms to deal with the departure of board members over the past five years, an HSJ investigation has revealed.
NHS unions meeting to discuss joint walk out
Unions representing health service workers at all levels are meeting this afternoon to discuss potential industrial action over changes to the NHS pension scheme.
Commissioning brain drain ‘stripping assets’
HSJ research reveals for the first time the extent of the brain drain caused in the past year by paying off primary care trust managers - half of whom were either clinicians or experts in commissioning and finance.
'Dangerous' management cost cuts must be revised
There are growing calls for NHS management cost savings targets to be revised in light of changes to the reforms and amid fears the cuts are becoming “dangerous”.