All Managers in Partnership (MiP) articles – Page 6
Sharp rise in boardroom turnover rates revealed
Turnover rates for NHS trust directors increased by a third in the year to March 2010, according to latest figures from Incomes Data Services.
Performance linked pay for managers labelled a 'distraction'
Linking the stay of senior staff to national objectives would be an “unhelpful distraction”, according to the NHS managers’ union.
Half of PCTs employing temporary executives
Almost half of primary care trusts have executive directors working in an “interim” or “acting” capacity, an HSJ investigation has revealed.
PCT chiefs fight loss of accountable officer status and right to redundancy
Primary care trust chief executives are fighting attempts to withhold redundancy payments from those moving into jobs lacking “accountable officer” status.
PCT directors warned over cluster job conditions
Primary care trust directors are being warned not to move into new cluster roles without firm assurances about pay and job descriptions.
Management posts shed without full consultation
Warnings are being issued about the lack of consultation over job cuts as posts are shed in an accelerated bid to meet the Department of Health’s 46 per cent management savings target.
SHAs to set senior managers' pay at aspirant CFTs
NHS chief executive Sir David Nicholson’s decision to leave aspirant community foundation trust pay decisions with strategic health authorities could be a barrier to appointments, unions have warned.
Managers divided over pensions changes
More than half of NHS managers think they should pay more towards their pensions, an HSJ survey has revealed.
DH accused of 'wishful thinking' on redundancy costs
Figures being used by the Department of Health to estimate the cost of NHS redundancies have been dismissed as “wishful thinking.”
'Unfair' final salary pensions set to go
Final salary NHS pensions look set to be abolished after an interim national review found they unfairly benefit “high flyers”.
NHS managers hit back at reforms
The reforms to the NHS are “too fast and furious”, Managers in Partnership has warned.
GPs could be forced to take on ex-PCT managers
Many primary care trust managers are likely to be able to transfer into similar roles within GP commissioning consortia, regardless of whether or not GPs want them, employment experts have told HSJ.
Investigation reveals PCTs hardest hit by savings
An HSJ investigation has revealed the clearest national picture to date of the primary care trusts being hit hardest by NHS management savings.
Rose Gibb wins payout in appeal
Rose Gibb, the former chief executive of Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells Trust, has won £175,000 in her appeal against the Department of Health’s intervention in her severance deal with the trust.
Lord Hutton to lead NHS pension probe
NHS pensions are to be scrutinised by an independent commission formed to address the “growing disparity” between provision in the public and private sectors.
Cameron's bonus cap exempts many NHS managers on top salaries
David Cameron’s move to restrict the salaries of senior NHS managers will not affect the best paid but could encourage trusts to outsource cheaper labour, HSJ has been told.
NHS managers are not overpaid – but their rewards must reflect results
Health service managers are comfortable with - or at least resigned to - the paradox of rising public expectation and plunging public regard.
NHS employers hire and fire excessively, says MiP
Rises in salaries earned by NHS chiefs are fuelled by the constant hiring and firing of senior staff, according to Managers in Partnership.
Trust questioned closely in court over Rose Gibb payout
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells Trust’s decision not to pay its former chief executive an agreed payoff came under intense scrutiny today.
Rose Gibb returns to court to battle for pay-off
Rose Gibb returns to the courts today in her battle to get a £175,000 pay-off - two and a half years after she left her job as chief executive at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells Trust.