All articles by MARK CRAIL – Page 7

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    IHSM losses mount as turnover plummets


    The Institute of Health Services Management crashed to a pounds180,000 operating loss last year as turnover dropped below pounds2m for the first time in six years and membership continued its slow downward spiral.

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    The human factor


    Trusts and HAs may not have the capacity to cope with the new human resources strategy. Mark Crail reports

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    Primary concerns


    Academics are warning that the shift to primary care groups is fraught with dangers. Mark Crail reports

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    In denial


    Cock-up or conspiracy? Mental health organisations spent two days at an official DoH policy summit, and they still were not told of ministers' plans. Mark Crail reports

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    Failure to thrive


    The Journal has seen the government's long awaited new mental health policy. Mark Crail reports

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    Ministers 'delayed food safety plans'


    Measures to prevent food poisoning outbreaks of the sort which claimed 20 lives in Scotland in 1996 were held up for a year by infighting between ministers and their departments, a top public health expert has claimed.

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    Values-added attack


    Managers have to make moral choices, the NHS's high-flying trainees were told at their conference. Mark Crail reports

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    Called to account


    The Audit Commission is due for a review of its work over the past five years. Mark Crail reports

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    Past and failed


    How have the eager young would-be medics we saw on TV in 1984 fared? Mark Crail reports

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    You've been framed


    Proposals for the new performance framework have won the confidence of the NHS - with some reservations. Mark Crail reports

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    What goes up. . .


    MPs' inability to hold the NHS to account may be more of a problem than the 'democratic deficit'. Mark Crail reports

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    Sick and tired of the NHS


    Stress and rising workloads are blamed for above-average sickness absence in the NHS's own workforce. Mark Crail looks at who needs time off and why

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    Power of London


    If Londoners vote 'yes' to a mayor, the capital's NHS may be finally united. Mark Crail reports

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    The unequal struggle


    Tessa Jowell still has doubts about setting targets on health inequalities, as she told a Manchester conference. Mark Crail joined her on a trip to the North-West frontier

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    The nuclear option


    Is 'contestability' any better than competition at improving patient care? Mark Crail reports