All Maternity articles – Page 23

  • Warrington Hospital

    Hospital director denies 'impropriety' over 'irregular' payoff deal


    The trust director who agreed an unusual and “very irregular” exit deal for a senior midwife at the centre of a care scandal has denied any “impropriety”.

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Hunt aims to 'dismantle' maternity litigation culture


    Health secretary to announce voluntary compensation scheme to “dismantle” litigation culture Families to be offered independent investigations and new support under scheme Actions include new investment to help halve rates of neonatal death, stillbirth, maternal death and brain injuries by 2030 Families who suffer harm after failings in ...

  • Jackie Daniel

    Royal college issues new 'threatening statement' to hospital trust


    Royal College of Midwives says it is considering taking action after exit deal revealed RCM accused of making “threatening statement” against the trust Former Morecambe Bay chair Sir David Henshaw says he had no knowledge of deal The Royal College of Midwives has today suggested it could take ...

  • Jackie Daniel chief executive of University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay Foundation Trust

    Trust chief threatened with injunction by royal college


    Royal College of Midwives threatened to injunct University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay Trust Midwife Jeanette Parkinson was a union official for the RCM and received an “irregular” exit payment in 2012 Trust chief executive Jackie Daniel: “My judgement was clear about doing the right thing” The Royal College ...

  • University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust

    Exclusive: 'Irregular' payoff deal revealed at scandal hit trust


    Internal review at University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay uncovers unusual exit payment deal Jeanette Parkinson, a senior midwife involved in the care failings at the trust, left it after the deal in spring 2012 It appeared to include a significant overpayment and a commitment by the trust not to ...

  • Home_Office
    HSJ Local

    Home Office 'very keen' for patients to prove right to NHS care


    Trust proposes compulsory requirement that maternity patients prove their right to NHS care Revised national guidance “is likely to advocate routine presentation of proof of identity and eligibility” Board papers suggest new legislation will “incorporate charging for A&E and ambulance services” if patients have no proof of eligibility St ...

  • Mother and baby

    NICE criticised for 'missed opportunity' with PTSD guidance


    NICE has rejected considering postpartum PTSD as a specific category in forthcoming review Birth Trauma Association and RCGP say this is a “missed opportunity” BTA says postpartum PTSD affects 10,000 new mothers a year Mothers who suffer post-traumatic stress disorder after giving birth will not be specifically considered ...

  • North Cumbria University Hospitals NHS Trust

    Success regime region faces major services shake-up


    One of the success regimes to turnaround troubled health economies has proposed a major overhaul in the way healthcare is delivered across its patch, including significant changes to emergency, community and maternity services.

  • operation
    HSJ Local

    External review at top hospital over four maternal deaths


    External review into four maternal deaths at King’s College Hospital Internal reviews “did not establish a link between the [four] cases” In one case coroner rules says failure to give mother a blood transfusion “amounted to neglect” An external review is being carried out into four maternal deaths ...

  • Perinatal mental health

    Exclusive: Providers to compete to run new maternity mental health units


    Providers urged to express interest in running three new mother and baby units to provide inpatient care to women with serious mental health problems New units will be funded with some of the £365m pledged to perinatal mental health care in July The units will be based in East ...

  • Julia Holding

    Boards must make decisions with patients, not for them


    It is crucial to get patients involved to design their own care plans and not dismiss patient experience as an additional cost during budget restraints

  • David Smith

    County CCG plans 'significant' hospital consolidation


    HSJ told Horton General Hospital is “not sustainable in its current form” Transformation plans looking at reducing the number of community hospitals and centralising inpatient care CCG savings taskforce looking at “all areas of spend” to generate funds to invest in service reconfiguration Oxfordshire health services ...

  • Rob Findlay

    England slides further into 18 weeks breach


    England’s referral-to-treatment waiting times headed towards 19 weeks, fuelled by a growing waiting list and in spite of the intended recovery trajectories

  • Ultrasound

    CCGs asked to ensure fetal medicine access following HSJ investigation


    Clinical commissioning groups have been asked about their arrangements for ensuring women and their babies have access to fetal medicine services, after an HSJ investigation raised concerns babies were “dying unnecessarily” because of a flawed funding system.

  • Premature baby
    HSJ Local

    Oxfordshire hospital confirms maternity unit downgrade


    Doctor led maternity services will be suspended at Horton General Hospital from 1 October Oxford CCG is reviewing “long term future” of maternity services at Horton as part of STP John Radcliffe Hospital will remain as the only obstetric service in Oxfordshire STRUCTURE: Horton General Hospital will suspend ...

  • fetal ultrasound pregnancy monitoring

    New £5m pot for perinatal mental health services


    NHS England announces £5m perinatal community services development fund STPs, commissioners and providers can bid for money to expand services for women with mental health problems during or after pregnancy Fund is part of £365m plan to expand perinatal support to an extra 30,000 women a year by 2020-21 ...

  • Mother and baby
    HSJ Local

    Doctor shortage may see maternity unit downgraded


    WORKFORCE: A shortage of doctors may lead to an Oxfordshire maternity unit being downgraded next month.

  • Perinatal mental health
    HSJ Knowledge

    We must seize this once in a lifetime chance


    Mental health issues in the perinatal period have long been misunderstood but a funding boost offers hope of a turnaround

  • Baby

    Tariff proposal would see maternity spend increase by 8 per cent


    The number of women to be put on intensive care pathway is expected to rise from 7.1 per cent to 11.3 per cent The number of women put on standard care pathways is expected to drop from 65.5 to 50 per cent Six additional conditions to be added to ...

  • Sarah-Jane Marsh
    HSJ Local

    Birmingham trusts hope to merge 'early next year'


    STRUCTURE: The boards of Birmingham Women’s Foundation Trust and Birmingham Children’s Hospital Foundation Trust have formally agreed to merge the organisations.