All Maternity articles – Page 38

  • Kent maternity plans referred to health secretary

    Kent maternity plans referred to health secretary


    Kent’s overview and scrutiny committee has referred to the health secretary Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells Trust’s plans to develop a midwifery led birth unit at Maidstone Hospital before consultant led maternity services transfer to the new Pembury Hospital next year, because of “public concern”.

  • CQC critical over Milton Keynes baby deaths

    CQC critical over Milton Keynes baby deaths


    A hospital that came under fire after two newborn babies died in its maternity unit has failed to implement sufficient improvements, the Care Quality Commission has said.

  • NMC report highlights midwife shortage

    NMC report highlights midwife shortage


    The Nursing and Midwifery Council has said the midwifery profession was “still playing catch up” after a report warned Britain’s rising birth rate was leading to a shortage of staff.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Local breastfeeding support


    Commissioning Local Breastfeeding Support Services, published in October last year by the Department of Health and Department for Children, Schools and Families, aims to assist commissioners and primary care trusts in “providing coherent services that will promote breastfeeding and reduce inequalities”, as set out in Healthy Lives, Brighter Futures – ...

  • Andrew Lansley

    NHS at centre of Tories’ election campaign


    The Conservative Party has placed the NHS at the centre of its newly launched election campaign with a “realistic” draft health manifesto that scales down several earlier pledges.

  • PCTs falling behind on maternity access

    PCTs falling behind on maternity access


    More than a third of primary care trusts are failing to meet a key maternity services access target, despite claiming they have met the government’s flagship “choice guarantees” for pregnant women.

  • Nursing regulator to investigate more trusts

    Nurse policing is to be ‘more proactive’


    The Nursing and Midwifery Council is to be more “proactive” in its policing of poor nursing care, including carrying out inspections of trusts, the regulator’s new chief executive has told HSJ.

  • Andrew Lansley

    Tories pledge maternity support


    Funding for innovative NHS maternity services is to be proposed by the Conservatives in recognition of the additional pressures that higher birth rates have created.

  • Conservative win could kill local NHS shake-up plans

    Conservative win could kill local NHS shake-up plans


    The Conservatives have pledged to scrap current government proposals for reconfiguration in major services if they are voted into power. What could this mean for the many local changes already being deliberated? Alison Moore reports

  • Map of Medicine pathways
    HSJ Knowledge

    Map of Medicine - plot the best pathway to care


    A software based tool gives clinicians a picture of the ideal route patients need to take for many important conditions. Lynne Greenwood explains how it works

  • North east London hospital shake-up consultation coming soon

    North east London hospital shake-up consultation coming soon


    A consultation on the reconfiguration of hospital services in north east London is expected to start before the end of the year.

  • News

    Ambitious reconfiguration plan abandoned


    One of the most ambitious service reconfiguration programmes in England is likely to end this month, with a board decision expected to keep the status quo.

  • David Cameron

    David Cameron pulls together threads on health policy


    Conservative leader David Cameron has set out the legislative changes to healthcare the party plans to implement if it wins the next election.

  • A woman in labour demanded an all-white team to deliver her baby

    Investigation launched after woman demands all-white maternity team


    Hospital staff have complained to the Equality and Human Rights Commission after a woman in labour demanded an all-white team to deliver her baby.

  • DH disputes maternity choice findings

    DH disputes maternity choice findings


    The Department of Health has disputed claims by the National Childbirth Trust that most expectant mothers still have no choice but to have their babies in hospital.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Home births


    Women used to give birth at home: in 1900s over 99 per cent of babies were born at home. However, as GPs and obstetricians persuaded women that giving birth in hospital was safer than at home the rate dropped to 1 per cent in the 1980s. Today the home birth ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Access to maternity care


    In 2006 an exciting opportunity arose which enabled some innovative thinking to become a reality and the award winning Hackney Maternity Helpline was born.

  • SHAs must assess delivery of maternity choice

    SHAs must assess delivery of maternity choice


    A survey next year will assess the NHS’s delivery of choice in maternity care.

  • generic  premature baby

    Maternity unit off special measures


    Maternity services at Gwent Healthcare Trust have been taken off special measures imposed after the Healthcare Inspectorate Wales highlighted an “exceptionally high” number of deaths.

  • maternity newborn baby child3

    Spending on maternity 'now increasing'


    Hospital trusts are significantly increasing their maternity spending for the first time in several years, according to research by the Royal College of Midwives.