All Maternity articles – Page 41

  • News

    Pilot sites sought for maternity reforms


    Maternity networks are being invited to bid to become early adopter sites for the government's Maternity Matters reforms.

  • News

    Uncertain roles for maternity assistants lead to care concerns


    A national study into the role of support workers in maternity services claims that a lack of standardisation in training could leave some mothers and babies at risk.The report, from King's College London, recommends putting in place a national framework for training and competencies of support workers. It also says ...

  • News

    Call for evidence into maternity service safety


    The King's Fund has called for evidence to an independent inquiry into the safety of maternity services in England.The investigation invites professionals across maternity services to help identify obstacles to the delivery of safety improvements.For more information click here

  • News

    Increased choice for maternity care


    Health secretary Patricia Hewitt has announced that by the end of 2009 all women will have a choice of maternity care, including the choice of a home birth. She made the pledge in the new Department of Health document Maternity Matters: choice, access and continuity of care in a safe ...

  • News

    Maternity care review launched


    The Healthcare Commission is to carry out a review of maternity care in England following a report published today about the quality of maternity services.The report was carried out by the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit and was part-funded by the Healthcare Commission. It suggests most women are happy with the ...

  • News

    Changes proposed for children's and maternity services


    National director for children, young people and maternity services Dr Sheila Shribman has published reports setting out proposed changes to children's and maternity services.The reports Making it Better for Children and Young people - clinical case for changeand ...

  • News

    Maternity unit's near miss


    A trust has reversed its decision to close a maternity unit after threats from a local MP to raise the issue with the prime minister.

  • Comment

    Michael White: maternity woes


    'For some, fertility issues are heart-breaking - not marginal NHS issues but utterly central to their lives'

  • News

    PCTs oppose Manchester maternity shake-up


    Plans for a shake-up of children's and maternity services in Manchester are under fire because one corner of the city could be left without inpatient services.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Maternity care: eyes on storks


    Government pledges on choice in maternity care are at odds with widespread reports of midwives crumbling under the pressure of slashed budgets, writes Daloni Carlisle

  • Comment

    Maternity services are everyone's baby


    Labour's most recent election manifesto promised that by 2009 all women would have choice on where and how they have their baby.

  • News

    Over 40 maternity units may be closed or downgraded, Conservatives claim


    The Conservative Party has claimed it has identified 43 maternity units under threat of being downgraded or closed, of which 21 are midwife-led and 22 consultant-led. Of the 43, 26 of the maternity units are operated by providers which finished the 2005-06 financial year in ...

  • News

    King's Fund probes maternity services


    The King's Fund is to conduct an inquiry into the safety of maternity services in England.The year-long investigation will look at the safety record of maternity services and where progress has been made, and will flag up areas of concern.Read the press release here

  • News

    Health secretary quashes local objections to back maternity plans


    Health secretary Patricia Hewitt has quashed the objections of an overview and scrutiny committee and upheld local NHS proposals on maternity services on the advice of the independent reconfiguration panel.

  • News

    NHS Maternity Statistics, England 2004-5


    A summary of information from the hospital episodes statistics relating to NHS maternities in the year 2004-05. Among the findings: 20 per cent of deliveries were induced, and the caesarean rate remained at just under 23 per cent.

  • News

    Healthcare Commission gives maternity unit safety warning


    The Healthcare Commission has reminded all NHS trusts to check they have 'robust systems' for monitoring the safety of maternity units following its report into the deaths of 10 women who gave birth at Northwick Park Hospital, London.

  • News

    Fears for maternity choice


    TARGETS Midwife recruitment pledge 'enormous if not impossible'

  • News



    Published: 24/02/2005, Volume II5, No. 5944 Page 38

  • News

    Concern prompts maternity service investigation


    Published: 30/10/2003, Volume II3, No. 5879 Page 8