Hancock delays decision on controversial reconfiguration for 14 months
The health secretary has yet to make a decision on a contested reconfiguration plan, despite having received official advice on it nearly 14 months ago and the local NHS warning delays would lead to “avoidable death”.
Confusion over hospital’s ‘critical incident’
A hospital trust struggling under an influx of covid patients has denied it declared a critical incident after confusion about how it had responded to extreme pressure over the last few days.
Ambulances waiting up to five hours as SE trust feels covid pressure
A trust in the south east is coming under increasing pressure from a growing number of covid patients, leading to long delays in ambulance handovers.
NHSI appointed sacked trust CEO as improvement director then dismissed him after receiving ‘undisclosed information’
A hospital chief executive dismissed after a disciplinary process was sacked again last week after NHS Improvement ‘received previously undisclosed information’.
‘Confidential’ document warns second covid peak could hit NHS five times harder
Modelling being used by NHS officials forecasts that hospital admissions could peak at five times the level seen in April without additional measures to control the virus, HSJ can reveal.
Exclusive: Private provider’s contract suspended pending safety review
An independent provider’s NHS contract has been suspended, and a harm review is to be carried out on patients who have faced a long wait.
Staff shortage leads to emergency reconfiguration of stroke services
A hospital is to stop providing acute stroke services from the end of this month after all but one of its specialist stroke nurses handed in their notice.
Four trusts pull back from commercial pathology option
Trusts across Kent and Medway have drawn back from changes to pathology services which could have led to greater centralisation and even outsourcing.
Trust’s ‘inadequate’ leadership referred to patients as bed numbers, finds CQC
A trust which has struggled to sustain improvements after coming out of special measures three years ago has been judged “inadequate” for being well-led.
Trust changes strategic priorities ahead of critical CQC report
A trust has made changes to its nursing strategy ahead of a Care Quality Commission report which is expected to be highly critical of aspects of its care.
Campaigners lose legal battle against major reconfiguration
Campaigners fighting a regional centralisation of stroke services have lost their judicial review.
Trust chair announces departure ahead of CQC report
A foundation trust chair has announced he is stepping down, just weeks before a Care Quality Commission report is due to be published.
Trust shuts ward suddenly after CQC visit
A trust has closed an escalation ward “following discussions with the Care Quality Commission”, after a visit by the regulator which HSJ understands was critical of some services.
Review of troubled service still not launched after 16 months
A royal college’s review of quality concerns at a pathology service — first approved in September 2018 — has yet to get underway, HSJ has been told.
Staff shortage forces service centralisation ahead of plan
Surgery for aortic aneurysms has been moved out of a hospital ahead of schedule, following an emergency reconfiguration of services caused by staff shortages.
Exclusive: Trusts set to be let off £10bn debt
NHS providers that owe the government a combined £10bn would see the debts converted into a form of investment that does not have to be repaid, under plans being discussed by national leaders.
Trust told to do harm reviews after patients drop off waiting list
A trust has been told to carry out harm reviews on 74 patients who disappeared from a waiting list after they could not be found an appointment slot.
Controversial stroke plans delayed
A controversial reconfiguration of stroke services in Kent and Medway will be delayed by over a year, regardless of whether an ongoing court case forces NHS organisations to change their current plans.
Trust and NHSI investigating weekend death rates gap
An acute trust is investigating a “significant” gap between mortality rates for patients admitted at weekends and those admitted during the week – which it says could be partly due to lack of “wrap around” services in the community on Saturdays and Sundays.
Named: The trusts receiving new cash for scanners
The trusts in line to receive £200m for upgrading cancer screening equipment from the government have been announced.