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Expert Briefing
Mental Health Matters: The Truss regime is forgetting mental health
HSJ’s fortnightly briefing covering safety, quality, performance and finances in the mental health sector, by correspondent Emily Townsend — contact me in confidence.
NHS should celebrate diversity from frontline to the top
More diverse organisations benefit the planning and provision of services, resulting in higher quality care for the population served, writes Sean Duggan
HSJ Interactive
Improving students’ experience of mental health services
NHS and care services must partner with universities to embed mental health support into all areas of student life, says Paul Jenkins
Expert Briefing
Mental Health Matters: A thin thread of hope for the workforce
This is HSJ’s fortnightly briefing covering quality, performance and finances in the mental health sector.
Expert Briefing
Mental Health Matters: The housing policy vacuum
This is HSJ’s fortnightly briefing covering quality, performance and finances in the mental health sector.
More than half of CCGs 'need to improve mental health services'
More than half of CCGs judged as needing to improve local mental health services New NHS England framework ranked 127 of the 209 CCGs as “needs improvement” or “greatest need for improvement” Ratings published at same time as new mental health dashboard, which shows how commissioners are performing against ...
Exclusive: Lack of mental health crisis beds a 'national scandal'
Mental Health Network calls shortage of acute beds for crisis care a “national scandal” Report, shared exclusively with HSJ, claims ringfenced cash for mental health is not reaching frontline services MHN chair Bev Humphrey says crisis care is at “tipping point” and should be prominent in STPs Mental ...
Tracking money 'acid test' for £4bn mental health plans, says Confed chief
Guaranteeing promised funds reach frontline services will be the “acid test” for NHS England’s mental health plans, a senior health leader has said.
Hundreds left waiting for vital mental health assessments
Eight trusts in April failed to hit the new early intervention in psychosis standard of treating people within two weeks of being referred In England, two-thirds of patients began treatment within the new government target Out of 1,222 patients waiting to be assessed ahead of treatment, 770 had already ...
Stephen Dalton to leave Mental Health Network
Stephen Dalton is stepping down from his role as chief executive of the Mental Health Network to focus on his role as interim head of the NHS Confederation.
NHS England 'risks being in parallel universe' on mental health
New Mental Health Network chair highlights “disconnect” between national and local commissioning Stresses that pledge of £1bn for mental health by 2020 follows £600m funding decrease in recent years Mental health sector will not get extra funding in 2017-18 and CCGs’ investment is an “empty promise” The mental ...
Exclusive: Majority of A&E departments fail liaison psychiatry standards
Almost three-quarters of England’s liaison psychiatry services in hospital emergency departments are rated substandard, HSJ has learned.
HSJ Local
Mental health chief Steven Michael to retire
Steven Michael, chief executive of South West Yorkshire Partnership Foundation Trust, has announced he will retire at the end of March next year.
Monitor moves to mandate new mental health payment systems
Mental health providers could be required to adopt new payment systems from April next year, in a bid by Monitor to finally move the sector away from block contract funding.
NHS England expects £150m rise in mental health spending
NHS England expects commissioners to spend at least £150m more in cash terms on mental health services this financial year. However, the Department of Health has admitted it will fall £107m short of its promised £250m target for investment this year in children’s mental health services.
Out of area mental health placements increase suicide risk, inquiry warns
The practice of sending mental health patients up to hundreds of miles from home for a bed should be stopped because of the risk of suicide, a national inquiry has warned.
Exclusive: Mental health providers warn of further funding squeeze
Mental health trusts have complained their commissioners are disregarding national guidance requiring them to increase real terms spending on mental health in 2015-16 and help fund the delivery of new targets.
Mental health providers face finding £40m to meet new targets
At least half of the additional £80m investment pledged to mental health providers to help them deliver new access targets will come from existing budgets
Mental health services need 'digital revolution', report claims
A national strategy for digital technology in mental health could help improve services, according to a new report that found few providers allow patients to book appointments online.