All Mental health articles – Page 100
HSJ Local
Trust pledges improvements after review of patients who committed murder
PERFORMANCE: South West Yorkshire Partnership Foundation Trust has drawn up an action plan to learn lessons from six historical cases involving patients who committed murders while under its care.
HSJ Local
Updated: ‘Unique’ consortium wins Birmingham mental health contract
COMMERCIAL: A consortium involving public, private and voluntary sector providers has been appointed preferred bidder for a £124m contract to deliver joined up mental health services to children, adolescents and young adults in Birmingham.
Make parity a reality, not an afterthought
Bringing mental healthcare on a par with physical healthcare
HSJ Local
Lincolnshire mental health trust appoints operations director
WORKFORCE: Lincolnshire Partnership Foundation Trust has appointed Ian Jerams as its director of operations.
Trust sector deficit deteriorates to £414m
The NHS trust sector’s financial position has deteriorated to an overall deficit of £414.2m, providing new evidence of the pressure trusts are under.
Opposition pledges to shorten mental health waits
Labour’s 10 year NHS plan includes an ambition to deliver further guarantees for mental health patients to receive talking therapy.
Stevens: Room for more flexibility in the future of FT model
NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens has suggested that there could be more flexibility in what constitutes a foundation trust in future.
Exclusive: NHS England to probe costs of seven day services
Financial consultancy firm Deloitte has been commissioned by NHS England to examine the cost implications of expanding NHS services across seven days, HSJ has learned.
Clegg: Moving away from block contract is biggest change in mental health
Deputy prime minister Nick Clegg has said beginning to shift mental health services away from block contracts could be the most significant change the government has made in the sector.
Monitor proposes lower threshold for investigations into FT finances
Monitor is consulting on lowering the threshold at which investigations into foundation trusts’ finances can be triggered.
HSJ annual lecture transcript: Simon Stevens' on forward view for the NHS
The edited transcript of the speech given by Simon Stevens at the HSJ inaugural lecture.
NHS England says CCGs must increase mental health spend
Clinical commissioning groups have been told by NHS England to increase in real terms the amount of money they spend on mental health services as part of the 2015-16 planning guidance.
Planning guidance full coverage: next steps for the forward view
Health economies seeking to be at the forefront of moving to the new models of care set out in the NHS Five Year Forward View have been given six weeks to submit an expression of interest to NHS England
Concern over projected fall in mental health nurse vacancies
A forecast reduction in the number of NHS mental health nursing jobs over the coming years could threaten the government’s ambition to achieve parity of esteem with physical health, Health Education England has claimed.
Mental health supplement: ‘The rooms are part of the therapy’
Designing a future proof mental health hospital room
NHS England to trial employing pharmacists in A&E
The urgent and emergency care review being led by NHS England will conduct a national pilot in the spring to trial employing pharmacists in an emergency department setting.
HSJ Knowledge
Tips to prevent mental health co-morbidities in diabetic patients
A project in London has developed a model for diagnosing and treating the mental health co-morbidities of diabetes. Steven Reid explains