All Mental health articles – Page 119
Readers' Letters – 22 March 2012
An open letter to David Cameron, unmet need and understanding mental health.
HSJ Knowledge
Harnessing leadership to drive a culture of innovation
Innovating health services successfully will require staff at all levels of healthcare organisations to create a culture in which innovation can thrive, say Lynne Maher and Mark Mugglestone.
DH mental health strategy 'at risk', warns Farrar
The government’s mental health strategy is at risk of stalling because the necessary “basic building blocks” to make it a success are not in place, the head of the NHS Confederation has warned.
HSJ Knowledge
Safer passage: how care navigators help improve mental health services
The introduction of care navigators has revolutionised services for a London mental health trust’s older patients. Caroline Leveaux and colleagues explain.
HSJ Knowledge
How to get better value for money from psychiatric care units
High cost, low volume and long admissions: Julian Walker and colleagues explore the challenge of evaluating treatment costs for patients in medium secure psychiatric units.
HSJ Knowledge
Why now is the time to invest in e-health technologies
E-health and communications technology have progressed to an advanced stage while their costs have been decreasing, but does e-health represent a useful investment opportunity for NHS trusts, ask Esther de Weger and colleagues.
HSJ Knowledge
How real-time therapies can deliver better mental healthcare
The use of real-time “live therapy” is helping several trusts improve the experience of patients requiring mental or psychological health treatments.
Improving comorbity care is a key challenge for mental health
Better managment of care for people with both physical and mental health conditions would improve lives and save the NHS billions of pounds.
Government defeated in Lords Health Bill vote
The government yesterday lost the first vote in its Health Bill’s latest hearing in Parliament, just hours after the prime minister had passionately reiterated the case for reform.
Integrate treatment for mental and physical conditions, NHS told
The NHS could improve care and reduce costs by improving how it treats patients suffering from both mental and physical health conditions, a new report says.
Exclusive: Care Quality Commission to get external assessor
An “external body” is set to be appointed to assess the effectiveness of the Care Quality Commission, HSJ has learnt.
Government benefits clampdown 'increasing disability abuse'
Charities have warned that disabled people are increasingly being subjected to abuse as a result of the government’s focus on alleged fraud and over-claiming to justify benfits cuts.
Michael White: humility is in short supply despite Lansley's 'climbdown'
It would be good to detect signs of humility and contrition in the healthcare community when the editors of three of the leading trade publications (including this one) launch a “never again” plea for more discussion and less prescriptive dogmatism next time there’s an NHS reorganisation.
Private providers attack Monitor failure regime
Private mental health firms are lobbying for deep changes to Monitor’s proposed failure regime, claiming rules putting “patients ahead of creditors” will prevent them from borrowing.
Nearly half of GPs dealing with 'burnout'
Close to 50 per cent of doctors suffer from emotional exhaustion related to burnout, according to researchers.
The funding must be available to help achieve public health outcomes
The recently announced Public Health Outcomes Framework sets an effective set of measurements for performance - but if the resources aren’t there to achieve them, many services will step back from this opportunity for a step change in mental healthcare.
HSJ Knowledge
How implementing digital dictation encouraged one trust to review its service provision
One trusts move to digital dictation from an outdated process not only improved efficiencies in that area, but also allowed them to review other services in order to drive new process efficiencies throughout the hospital. Gunther Empl explains.
HSJ Knowledge
Developing a health and local government service integration model
Could one trust’s health and local government service integration be a model for the rest of the country to follow? Dr Chris Clayton reports on the successful pilot at Blackburn with Darwen PCT.
RCN chief: NHS facing 'toughest year'
The Royal College of Nursing’s chief executive and general secretary has warned the NHS faces its “toughest year”, with specialist nurses losing their jobs and vulnerable patients “in the firing line”.
HSJ Knowledge
Why physical health checks for mental health patients are vital to their wellbeing
Improving the provision of physical health checks for people with severe mental illness provides an opportunity to make a major difference to the health and wellbeing of this vulnerable group, write Drs Kallol Sain and Sweta Patil.