All Mental health articles – Page 123
HSJ Knowledge
How a change in practice can reduce hospital admissions for older dementia patients
Changing practice to reduce hospital admissions for older people with dementia can be achieved by strong liaison and information sharing. Consultant old age psychiatrist Afifa Qazi explains.
Mental health savings scheme putting patients in 'inappropriate services'
A national scheme intended to drive savings in mental health is leading to some patients being “warehoused in inappropriate services”, a senior private sector clinician has warned.
Creating diversion will improve mental health screening throughout the judicial system
New evidence has shown that rates of mental ill health among offenders connected with probation services are worryingly high. An investment into diversion services can help provide these individuals with vital support services at the earliest opportunity, says Sean Duggan.
HSJ Knowledge
How investing in therapeutic services provides a clinical cost saving in the long term
Can investing in therapy cost less than traditional case management for dissociative identity disorders, asks Cheshire and Wirral Partnership FT clinical psychologist Dr Mike Lloyd.
HSJ Knowledge
Ensuring the correct provision of mental health services for children
The change in legal requirements for health organisations providing mental health treatment to children means trusts and providers need to ensure they are meeting all statutory duties, write Rebecca Fitzpatrick and Andrew Keefe.
Mental health care of patient who killed four family members criticised
A mental health patient who killed four members of his family received a level of care with ‘a number of shortcomings’, a review has found.
PCTs urged to fill alcohol treatment gap in prisons
Commissioners are being urged to extend the range of services on offer for prisoners with alcohol addiction, in light of charity research suggesting current provision is insufficient.
HSJ Knowledge
Getting streets ahead: improving the health of the homeless
The government’s recent announcement of “a vision to end rough sleeping”, which included a national commitment to help homeless people access healthcare, is a positive step, but a lot more needs to happen at a local level if this commitment is to be met, says Homeless Link director Jacqui McClusky.
Chronic illness link with suicide revealed
At least one person with a chronic or terminal illness decides to commit suicide every day, new research has indicated.
HSJ Knowledge
Can cloud computing precipitate a revolution in managing patient data?
The concept of personal data management isn’t one which sets the pulse racing. But, as solutions providers unveil their plans for cloud computing, the technology could pioneer a new approach for the NHS to manage patient data, which puts the service user at the heart of the system, says Mike ...
Mental health personalisation campaign 'losing momentum'
The drive to personalise mental health care could become a “damp squib”, campaigners have warned after research suggested a lack of appetite for change among service users.
Social enterprises condemn 'slap in the face' over PCT properties
Social enterprises have been left out of plans to allow NHS providers to take over community service properties, in a move condemned as a “slap in the face” for the government’s Big Society agenda.
HSJ Knowledge
How third sector hospital ownership is keeping healthcare close to home
The transfer of an NHS community hospital to charitable ownership is helping provide key healthcare services to users closer to home, as Alison Moore discovers.
Mental Health Network calls to postpone personal budgets
Mental health professionals and service users have united to cast doubt on the merits of personal health budgets.
HSJ Knowledge
Going green for public health: transforming cities to help health and wellbeing
Liverpool’s green infrastructure strategy is proving that environmental provision such as open spaces will support wellbeing, and could have many lessons for other cities to learn from across the UK. Dr Paula Grey explains.
NHS trusts to take over community service assets
Acute and mental health trusts are to be given the chance to acquire billions of pounds worth of property assets used to provide community services, with final decisions due by the end of the year.
Health charities to lose £100m in funding after council cuts
Reductions in local government funding could see more than £100m in budget cuts forced upon thousands of charities and voluntary groups, according to research.
Mental health incentives could be removed
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence’s recommendation that financial incentives for GPs to support patients with depression should be axed has sparked concern from the mental health sector.
Foundations reap income from transferred services
Foundation trusts have taken on community services with an annual income value estimated at £2.4bn for 2011-12, Monitor figures released to HSJ reveal.
Mental health patient suicides halve in volume
Suicide among NHS inpatients in England with mental health problems has more than halved in 11 years, figures show.