All Mental health articles – Page 127
HSJ Local
Brighton GPs plan to cut commissioning teeth on mental health
COMMERCIAL: “Brave” GPs in Brighton have provisionally chosen mental health as the area they would like to commission first.
Mental health merger ruled against over competition concerns
The Cooperation and Competition Panel has ruled outright against a merger between two trusts for the first time.
HSJ Local
Mental health unit delayed after PCT fails to organise registration
COMMERCIAL: The opening of new mental health facility in Devon has been held up after a primary care trust failed to organise its registration with the Care Quality Commission.
HSJ Local
CQC demands improvement action at Kent and Medway
PERFORMANCE: The Care Quality Commission has told the partnership trust to take action to improve services.
HSJ Local
5 Boroughs behind on its target for early intervention teams
PERFORMANCE: The mental health foundation trust was behind at the end of January on its commitment to serve 143 new psychosis cases this year by early intervention teams, its latest performance report shows.
HSJ Local
CQC warns Cambridgeshire and Peterborough mental health FT
PERFORMANCE: The Care Quality Commission has told Cambridgeshire and Peterborough FT that if it does not take immediate steps to improve standards of its mental health services, enforcement action may follow.
HSJ Local
Tavistock and Portman FT £721,000 behind income target but still on track for surplus
FINANCE; The specialist mental health trust said at month 10, January, its surplus of £259,000 was behind budget also, by £159,000.
HSJ Local
NHS Suffolk ‘parks’ provider arm with North Essex Partnership FT
STRUCTURE: An interim host for community services in Suffolk has been named as North Essex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
HSJ Local
'Concerns' over quality monitoring meetings with NHS Hounslow cluster
PERFORMANCE: Minutes of a board meeting at West Middlesex University Hospital said chief executive Jacqueline Docherty noted “a number of staff from Hounslow [had been] appointed to senior positions” in the cluster and “advised the board there are concerns that the current quality monitoring meetings are not as effective as ...
HSJ Local
Ten shadow consortia emerge across Birmingham
STRUCTURE: So far 10 “shadow” commissioning consortia have emerged across Birmingham.
HSJ Local
Mandatory training 'well below target' at Worcestershire Trust
WORKFORCE: Mandatory training continues to fall well below target levels at Worcestershire Mental Health Partnership Trust, according to baord reports.
HSJ Local
Worcestershire Partnership Trust 'significantly worse' on delayed transfers
PERFORMANCE: Worcestershire Mental Health Partnership Trust’s performance on delayed transfers is “significantly worse” than other trusts for whom data has been published nationally, board papers have said.
HSJ Local
Oxfordshire Learning Disability Trust on the road to becoming an FT
STRUCTURE: The trust underwent the first of several board to board “challenges” with its strategic health authority on the road to achieving foundation trust status.
HSJ Local
Declining CPA performance at Worcestershire Mental Health Partnership Trust
PERFORMANCE: The proportion of patients on the Care Programme Approach that have had a review in the past year has dropped to 61 per cent at Worcestershire Mental Health Partnership Trust.
HSJ Local
Lack of social work capacity delays transfers at Birmingham Community
PERFORMANCE: Funding issues within social care have contributed to a red rating for delayed transfers of care at Birmingham Community Healthcare Trust.
HSJ Local
Consultation launched on merger of mental health teams in Sussex
WORKFORCE: The foundation trust’s board papers said a consultation had begun on 14 February regarding changes to the Positive Behaviour Support Team in West Sussex.
HSJ Local
Sussex Partnership FT exceeds IAPT target
PERFORMANCE: According to trust board papers, the foundation exceeded its target for improving access to psychological therapies (IAPT) in January.
HSJ Local
Sussex Partnership FT confident on efficiency savings
FINANCE: Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust has thanked its staff for helping to make projected efficiency savings of around £11m this financial year.
CQC identifies concerns at Lincolnshire mental health FT
A mental health foundation trust in Lincolnshire has been told to address “major concerns” relating to the safety of its premises for patients.
Chief fires back after damning CQC report
A chief executive whose trust received a damning Care Quality Commission inspection report has criticised the regulator for ignoring the “bigger picture”.