All Mental health articles – Page 133
Deprivation of liberty order use rises
The number of people being deprived of liberty under recent mental health legislation has risen by 39 per cent from last year, according to data from the NHS Information Centre.
Nick Bosanquet: Five steps to security
The pre-Christmas snow shower of documents did little to gather momentum towards better services. Rather, it added to the risk of planning blight for new organisations which have to find personnel and trial their powers and budgets. These are my five steps to rescue the change programme:
HSJ Local
Rotherham FT taking on community services
STRUCTURE: The trust has been chosen to take on a series of community services from Rotherham and Doncaster PCTs.
Community foundation trusts may buy premises with Treasury cash
Aspirant community foundation trusts will be able to acquire the primary care trust estate they operate from with Treasury resources, the Department of Health has said.
The Healthcare Innovation EXPO
Healthcare Innovation Expo 2011 is the premier event for health and social care commissioners and providers. With over 150 seminars, 100 speakers and 250 exhibitors all featuring high impact innovations to improve patient care and productivity, this is your must attend event of the year.
HSJ Knowledge
How to create healthcare without walls
A spirit of cooperation between clinicians has helped a London primary care trust improve productivity and patient experience by moving services into the community. Laura Guest explains how they achieved it
Assisted dying campaign backed by top surgeon
One of Britain’s most respected surgeons has backed a right-to-die campaign by saying that he would help terminally ill patients end their lives.
‘Rise in cancer breaches’ by foundations
The number of acute and specialist foundation trusts that missed cancer treatment targets rose by a third to 28 out of 90 in the past three months, their regulator Monitor has revealed.
King’s Fund finds quality accounts tension
The first set of NHS quality accounts were characterised by “variation and a lack of comparability”, a King’s Fund analysis has found.
HSJ Knowledge
Personal goals to improve physical fitness in NHS staff
A plan to get 2,012 NHS staff engaged in physical activity in the run-up to the 2012 Olympics should do much to inspire a traditionally unhealthy sector.
PCT chair leaves for role at mental health trust
The chair of Bassetlaw primary care trust has announced he is to join its local mental health service provider – one of the largest in the country.
London mental health trust given all clear by CQC
The Care Quality Commission has lifted the final two conditions imposed on West London Mental Health Trust, after it improved staffing levels and the assessment and monitoring of service quality.
Surrey mental FT appoints new chair
A former chair of multinational Unilever has been appointed to head the board at a Surrey mental health foundation trust.
Mental health contracts 'seriously vulnerable' to tariff changes
Changes to the tariff “discriminate” against mental health trusts, the Mental Health Network has warned.
Trusts failing to review dementia readmissions
Trust boards are failing to review data on readmissions for patients with dementia, a major clinical audit has found.
More criminals will get psychiatric help
Teams to divert criminal offenders with mental health needs to NHS services will be rolled out nationally by 2014, the government has announced.
PCTs given average 3 per cent rise in funding
Primary care trusts will receive an extra £2.6bn next year to spend on commissioning, the government has announced.
Student nurse intake to be cut
The number of students entering into nursing and midwifery courses will be reduced, the Scottish health secretary has announced.
Mental health in 2011: challenges and opportunities
After a year of political and policy change in 2010, the New Year will bring major challenges and opportunities for mental health services.
Report highlights productivity savings in mental health
There are “significant opportunities” for savings to be made in mental health while improving patient care, according to the King’s Fund.