All Mental health articles – Page 136
HSJ Knowledge
Mental health preferred providers: stick to your guns on pricing
East Midlands primary care trusts scrutinised the costs of mental healthcare packages and made huge savings with a list of preferred providers, as Jennifer Taylor explains
HSJ Knowledge
How to use social networking to help people with mental health problems
The Big White Wall combines social networking with a choice of clinically informed interventions to help people cope with mental health problems
NHS reorganisation: don't leave the patients behind
It could be the language that seals the deal. New Labour’s mission got lost in a technocratic haze, so a white paper more comfortable with the vernacular of the voluntary sector is helping patient groups swallow the pill of another reorganisation while showing genuine enthusiasm for the changes ahead.
Transforming community services 'a mistake', says top PCT chief exec
The NHS will regret the rush to vertically integrate community services with acute trusts, the chief executive of England’s top performing primary care trust has warned.
Mental health ward closure reflects wider trend
A mental health ward at the Whitchurch Community Hospital is likely to be shut by Shropshire County Primary Care Trust as it pursues a broader trend towards treating people at home instead.
Competition scrutiny for North West
The Cooperation and Competition Panel has escalated an investigation into specialised commissioning for mental health services in the North West.
Call for GPs to monitor mental health benefits
People claiming benefits because of mental health issues could be identified by GPs three years before they stop working, new research suggests.
Talking therapies access falls short of expectations
Most patients treated during the first year of a scheme designed to improve access to talking therapies received less treatment than recommended in guidelines, according to a progress review.
Personal budgets sex survey exposes 'no rules'
The overwhelming majority of councils have no rules on whether people receiving personal social care budgets can use some of that funding to buy sexual services, it has emerged.
HSJ Knowledge
Quality through CQUIN
St Andrew’s Healthcare is a major provider of mental health inpatient services.
Trusts putting patients' lives at risk, claims AvMA
NHS hospitals are putting lives at risk by failing to comply with key alerts on patient safety, a report has said.
NHS facing £65bn PFI bill
The NHS in England faces a total bill of £65bn for new hospitals built under the private finance initiative (PFI), it has been reported.
HSJ Knowledge
The government’s plan for the NHS: the health white paper analysed
Watch HSJ’s free online webcast to get to grips with the government’s plans for the NHS. Available on demand
NHS brand undermined by online confusion
The NHS spends close to £100m a year on thousands of websites that are often hard to find, badly designed and not wanted by the public, according to government reports leaked to HSJ.
Personal health budget pilots raise concerns
Managers involved in the pilots for personal health budgets have expressed concerns over equity and increased cost, a report commissioned by the Department of Health says.
One-stop health advice service launched
Health secretary Nicola Sturgeon will today launch the new NHS inform one-stop health advice service.
Mental health trust considering merger
A merger between Suffolk Mental Health Partnership and Norfolk and Waveney Mental Health Foundation Trust is to be considered under new proposals.
Mental health 'labels' criticised
Large numbers of “normal” people are at risk of being labelled as psychiatric patients, British experts have warned.
Trusts dodge scrutiny by omitting vital quality measures
Quality accounts were supposed to be an important tool to inform patients. But as the first are published, many have gaping holes on safety, experience and outcomes. Dave West reports
Foundation trust proposals raise tough borrowing question
The government has left wide open the question of whether foundation trusts will be able to finance major investments with commercial loans - and risk seeing their taxpayer funded property sold off if they default.