All Mental health articles – Page 147
Margaret Edwards quits SHA for central role
NHS Yorkshire and the Humber chief executive Margaret Edwards left her post suddenly last week to take on a new role driving efficiency across the NHS.
Leading NHS chiefs call for London trust mergers
Competition and collaboration rules should not stand in the way of hospital trust mergers and acquisitions, two major acute trust chief executives have argued.
Gordon Brown unveils plan to put nurses in charge of NHS services
An expert commission launched by prime minister Gordon Brown is to review the place of nurses in managing and commissioning care.
Trusts fail to act on mortality alerts
Some hospital trust boards are neglecting figures that may highlight serious care failings, leading to patient deaths, the Healthcare Commission has said.
Managers welcome health boost for credit crunch victims
Managers have welcomed new funding to support people experiencing mental health problems as a result of the credit crunch.
HSJ Knowledge
Rise in women hit by mental illness
The Department of Health wants primary care trusts to improve access to psychological therapies for people suffering from common mental disorders such as depression and anxiety.
BME mental health: patchwork picture says volumes
Censuses of mental health inpatients confirm disproportionate numbers from black and ethnic minority groups. Ignoring the causes of this discrepancy does them a disservice
Mental health trust may scan for weapons and drugs
Airport style scanners for weapons and drugs could be installed in mental health wards, a leaked email seen by HSJ has revealed.
NHS is a 'brutal' place for its leaders
The NHS is a “brutal” and “arbitrary” system in which to be a chief executive, according to leaders interviewed by the NHS Confederation.Its report, Reforming Leadership Development… Again, examines whythis area is reformed so often. Health minister Lord Darzi’s leadership proposals in his next stage review are the fourth reorganisation ...
Services missed opportunities to prevent killings
A mental health patient who killed four people was let down by systemic failures, professional errors and a lack of resources, an investigation has found.
Treasury PFI scheme could be funded by NHS underspends
NHS capital underspends could be clawed back by the Treasury to fund its plans to lend money to stalled private finance initiative schemes, HSJ has been told.
Sir Michael Rawlins reappointed NICE chair
Sir Michael Rawlins has been reappointed as chair of the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence after a special exemption to allow him to extend his tenure.
Healthcare 100: the best places to work revealed
The HSJ and Nursing Times Healthcare 100 has revealed the best overall healthcare employer in the UK to be Kent independent provider Benenden Hospital trust.
Easy does it as NHS steps up to quality bat
Central to the next stage review is the demand to improve services - and demonstrate it. So how are NHS organisations planning to measure quality and how long will funding hold out? Dave West finds out
DH backtracks on failure regime figures
The Department of Health has backtracked on its estimate that up to six trusts a year would fall into its failure regime and be taken over.
London mental health chief executives reshuffle
North East London foundation trust chief executive Judy Wilson has become interim chief at South West London and St George's mental health trust.
Court diversion schemes not meeting potential, says report
Court diversion schemes to prevent people with mental health problems from going to prison are not reaching their full potential, a report from the Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health has found.
Monitor takes fight for FT freedoms to the House of Lords
Monitor has launched a challenge to the government in Parliament to protect foundation trust freedoms and its role as their regulator.The regulator believes proposals in the Health Bill compromise foundation trusts' independence by requiring them to send quality accounts to the health secretary.
Dementia strategy: high hopes but who will pay?
The dementia strategy promises dedicated memory services in every town, but with only £150m over two years can primary care trusts afford the sophisticated teams this requires? Charlotte Santry reports
Angela Greatley on children's mental health
Youth crime has rarely been out of the news headlines over the past year. Knife crimes, and particularly the tragic deaths of young people, have been very prominent and have led to a growing culture of disproportionate distrust and fear of teenagers.