All Mental health articles – Page 157
HSJ Knowledge
Military medical care: the war at home
In recent years the military has entrusted acute medical services to the NHS, and psychiatric care to an independent provider. But this has led to claims that the nation is failing those who have fought in its wars. Mark Gould reports
HSJ Knowledge
Safeguarding vulnerable people - employers' duties
NHS employers should be aware of new rules on vetting people who work with children and vulnerable adults. Rachel Heenan explains
Angela Greatley on mental healthcare in prison
Late last month, a Prison Officers’ Association official claimed that prison had become so comfortable that prisoners were no longer trying to escape.
Services failed patients who went on to kill, review finds
Reviews of two killings by people with mental health problems in Wales have found shortcomings in their treatment and care.
Immigrants 'need psycho-social bridge'
The chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, Trevor Phillips, has linked gang violence with the lack of mental healthcare available to immigrants.
HSJ Partners
CSIP factsheet on administering medicines
The Care Services Improvement Partnership's housing learning and improvement network has published an online factsheet to help practitioners, commissioners, care service managers and housing managers in extra care housing deal with issues surrounding administering medicines.
HSJ Knowledge
View from the floor: dementia services
Janice Bond is a senior occupational therapist with Sussex Partnership trust. She works on a joint health and social services support scheme for people with dementia
HSJ Knowledge
Training: cognitive therapy first
A nursing director has developed an online cognitive behavioural therapists' course as part of his MBA. Lyn Whitfield reports
Monitor plans for foundation trust failures
Foundation trust regulator Monitor is anticipating that some 47 acute and mental health trusts will not make it to foundation trust status by 2010.
David Lee on mental health heroes
As every good HSJ reader knows, good management is not about heroics or donning a Superman costume. Good management in mental health is about supporting local innovation and frontline service improvements.
HSJ Knowledge
A case for integrated mental healthcare
A patient's experience is not fragmented, discontinuous and segregated so why is their treatment? Samantha Allen and Heather Hurford argue for integrated care
HSJ Knowledge
Mental health history: taking over the asylum
In our latest feature marking the NHS’s 60th anniversary, Mark Gould charts the journey from Victorian asylums to the national service framework and recent backward steps
Angela Greatley on mental health at work
It may not always be apparent to all of the 1 million plus staff of the NHS, but being in employment is a major determinant of good health.
Leicestershire Partnership trust rapped over killer's treatment
An independent review has criticised a mental health trust's treatment of a man who was repeatedly in contact with its services but went on to kill one neighbour and injure another.
Lib Dems scrap free social care promise
The Liberal Democrats have formally ditched their policy of free social care in England. The party has opted instead for a co-payment system based on the one set out by Sir Derek Wanless for the King's Fund.
HSJ Knowledge
Mental health equality drive
Partnerships with imams are breaking down barriers between mental health workers and Sheffield's Pakistani community
Lisa Rodrigues on appointing a new chair
Managers should be aware of the unintended consequences their actions can bring about
HSJ Knowledge
Improving outcome measurement
Embedding routine outcome measurement in an organisation's work benefits staff and patients. Farah Khalid explains
Deep clean - a patient's view
What did service users make of the government's deep-clean initiative? We asked one woman to tell us what happened when the cleaners arrived on her ward
Scotland boosts dementia funding
A new funding package of £1.6m will go towards improving support for sufferers of dementia, anxiety and depression in Scotland.The package includes funding for practical projects offering support and advice to dementia sufferers and their families.