All Mental health articles – Page 160

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Mental health at work: down should not mean out of a job in the NHS


    People with mental health problems often get chewed up and spat out of work. The NHS can lead the way in breaking a vicious circle that has a high price for both employee and employer, says Steve Shrubb

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Data Briefing: new era of mental healthcare insights


    National mental health policy is moving on from the detailed specification of service inputs required by the national service framework to a greater focus on care outcomes.

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    David Woodhead on healthcare for heartbreak


    The health impact of personal distress on service users as well as staff can be heavy and is a real public health challenge, says David Woodhead

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Mental health innovation


    Winner Oxfordshire PCTThe jointly commissioned by the local authority and PCT service delivers a single screening and referral process for children's mental health services. Any agency including health can access the service though a referral form which includes the views of the child and their family about what service they ...

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    Chief executive confirmed for mental health trust


    Acting chief executive of Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership trust Sandy Taylor has been confirmed in the role.

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    Mental Capacity Act welcomed


    Mental health charity Mind has welcomed the introduction of the Mental Capacity Act, which comes into force today.

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    DoH 'letting down ethnic minorities'


    The Department of Health has been found to have failed in its race equality duties and accused of being ‘obstructive’ to a Commission for Racial Equality probe.

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    Jail deaths probe


    The Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health is investigating the impact of powers allowing judges to lock up prisoners indefinitely.

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    Data on mental health patient safety must be presented accurately


    Chris Heginbotham’s commitment to the well-being and safety of mental health inpatients is sincere and I share some of his concerns, but I must set the record straight about the more alarming aspects of the impression created by his recent interview, writes Louis Appleby

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    Headline test


    test test

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    Lisa Rodrigues on the traits of executives


    Being a chief executive is a wonderful job for those with a well-developed sense of responsibility. I read somewhere that more leaders are firstborn children than any other family position and I can understand why. As the first child, you are automatically expected to take responsibility for your siblings. If, ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Dave Lee on Darzi's tour


    'Mental health has occasionally painted itself as the eternal Cinderella, with the result that some commissioners feel obliged to treat it accordingly'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Care from the community


    A redesign of the mental health support worker role values personal experience and diversity. Siobhan Chadwick and Alison James describe the development

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Staying informed on healthcare


    Christine Halpin talks about establishing a health information service for disadvantaged groups.

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    Renewed efforts to set up national tariff


    Mental health trusts are signing up to new payment by results pilots, although fears remain that a national system will not be implemented.

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    Media Watch


    The papers are again keen to expose the 'scandal' of hospital food - this time the focus is on hospital kitchens. The Observer told readers of a 'searing indictment' of their cleanliness after government inspection reports revealed 'that breaches of food hygiene laws include infestations of mice and cockroaches, kitchen ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Born under a bad sign


    Perinatal depression is gaining a higher profile, with a drive to increase awareness and provide wider access to specialist provision. Emma Dent reports

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    Michael White on politics


    The old saying that 'it never rains but it pours' seems unusually apt this soggy summer. But this week the saying also applied to Britain's elderly people when the High Court ruling on Aricept, the Alzheimer's drug, was accompanied by a torrent of reports highlighting deficient aspects of their treatment.One ...

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    HSJ launches revamped website


    HSJ has launched a new-look website featuring extra content and designed to be easier to use.

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    Improvements still needed in mental health


    Many mental health patients are not getting the support they need, a Healthcare Commission report has revealed.The government watchdog's annual community mental health service users survey shows that, while most patients are happy with standards of care, persistent gaps remain.Half of patients who wanted information about local support groups had ...