All Mental health articles – Page 160

  • News

    Patients denied admission as PCTs argue over who will pay


    Patients deemed to be a threat to themselves or others are being denied hospital beds while commissioners squabble over money.

  • News

    Depression peaks at 44, study finds


    The probability of depression in men and women in the UK peaks around the age of 44, according to researchers in the US.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Innovative Commissioning Award


    Category: Innovative commissioningWinner: Older people’s home treatment teamContact: Simon Sullivan, tel 07786 707331E-mail: simon.sullivan@wolvespct.nhs.ukThe older people's home treatment service based at Penn Hospital in Wolverhampton is a unique and innovative service providing specialist integrated mental health assessment, treatment and support for older adults with complex mental health needs.Mental health nurse ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Information Sharing Award


    Winner: Warwickshire drug and alcohol team - alcohol harm reduction informationContact: Lorna Ferguson, tel 01926 746808E-mail: Warwickshire's drug and alcohol action team looked at information and advice for young people on drug and alcohol misuse, they did not find much that was up-to-date, easily accessible and relevant to the ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    High-Impact Changes in Mental Health Award


    Category: High-impact changes in mental healthWinner: People using specialist eating disorders service by improving flowContact: Ruth Carson, tel 0151 4717751E-mail: Ruth.Carson@merseycare.nhs.ukA year ago at theLiverpooland Sefton Eating Disorders Service, part of the Merseycare trust Eating Disorder Clinic, clients could expect to wait 33 weeks or more for an appointment.Clients and ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    New Ways of Working Award


    Category: New Ways of WorkingWinner: The Bromley and Greenwich New Ways of Working projectSince 2002, Oxleas foundation trust's mental health services in Bromley andGreenwichhave been operating aNew Waysof Working programme.Feedback from service users, carers and GPs revealed that a review of outpatient clinics and acute inpatient services was needed to ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Global challenge - volunteering abroad in mental health


    Overseas volunteering is increasingly seen as a way for health professionals to get involved in improving global health. Here, Deji Oyebode explains how it works

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Strength in numbers - mental health partnerships


    The providers of services for people with schizophrenia in Liverpool saw ISIP as a great chance to bring the NHS and local authority together, as Helen Mooney explains

  • News

    Dementia services lag behind need, MPs claim


    The prevalence and scale of suffering from dementia has not been matched by NHS funds or status, the public accounts committee said today in a report.

  • News

    Dementia could gain same priority as cancer


    A parliamentary report has called for dementia to receive the same priority as cancer and the Department of Health to appoint a dedicated lead for the condition.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Dementia care: in search of the person behind the condition


    There will be a massive rise in the number of people with dementia in the next 15 years. They will all require a gold standard of person centred care, where they are kept occupied and their identity recognised

  • News

    Research links diabetes to depression


    A third of young adults with type-1 diabetes report symptoms of depression, according to new research.The study, published in Diabetic Medicine, found that 35 per cent of young people taking part reported symptoms of depression and 23 per cent had symptoms of severe depression.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Will community treatment orders work?


    Compulsory treatment orders are on their way but critics claim there is a worrying lack of evidence that they can help 'revolving door' patients, writes Mark Gould

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Mental health professions - whose job is it anyway?


    New professional roles that have come with the Mental Health Act 2007 have been broadly welcomed, despite continuing debate about other opportunities that have been missed. Stuart Shepherd explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Age-appropriate mental healthcare - making strides


    Services for children and teenagers have long been neglected but extra funds - and a drive to keep these users off adult wards - are positive steps, says Mark Gould

  • Comment

    Andrew Alonzi on legal requirements of the Mental Health Act


    When the Mental Health Act 2007 is fully introduced, the existing Mental Health Act 1983 treatability test will be replaced by a new appropriate medical treatment test.

  • News

    Henderson Hospital may be saved


    Fresh hope has been sparked that ministers could intervene to save a national psychiatry service, a month after commissioners decided to close it.

  • Comment

    Clegg throws down mental health gauntlet


    Mental health is not an issue that politicians generally choose to make a splash on. But newly elected Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg had more to say about mental health in his inaugural speech on public policy than he did about the rest of the NHS.

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    Hilary Thomas on new perspectives on caring


    Looking back, 2007 was an odd year for me. Making a career change has been inspiring and invigorating. The fact that it coincided with moving back to London, putting a year of treatment behind me and the clunky dawn of my sense of mortality and ordinariness has added to my ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    David Lee on managing risk


    One of the joys of NHS management is that you learn something new every day - sometimes an awful lot. Take, for example, the assurance framework and risk register. Not long ago, if I'd been asked about them in a pub quiz I'd have had to guess. But now I ...