All Mental health articles – Page 166

  • HSJ Knowledge

    David Lee on the members' club


    'Explaining to people that NHS trusts are becoming membership organisations, owned by their members, is not dissimilar to the believability hurdle faced by the Labour Party in the mid-1990s when it was trying to reposition itself as a tax-cutting party'

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    Lisa Rodrigues on managing change


    'Some people think the quiet revolution in mental health, with the closure of the asylums and the introduction of community care alternatives, is a model for the rest of the NHS. But I am the first to admit that we did not.always get it right'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Achieving cultural competency in mental health


    In response to requests from staff to find out more about the cultures, customs and practices of their patients, West London Mental Health trust has produced a cultural competency toolkit.

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    Your Humble Servant: rave with Dave


    ‘It must be what the Baghdad Green Zone is like, hermetically sealed and full of the commentariat issuing orders devoid of any sense of reality’

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    Johnson leads Brown's charm team as ministers start to listen


    'Sir Ara keeping one foot in the operating theatre should encourage clinicians to have confidence that their views are listened to'

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    Dementia care lags behind


    Treatment for people with dementia is little better than for cancer patients in the 1950s, the National Audit Office has warned.

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    Volunteering and mental health


    Separate independent research adds to the mounting evidence that volunteering has important health benefits. Preliminary studies indicate that volunteering can have positive outcomes for 85 per cent.of mental health service users who participate. (see 'The health benefits of volunteering').

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Social enterprise: a rich seam of ideas


    Trailblazing pathfinders are using new funding to create choice and breathe new life into communities. Louise Hunt reports

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Andrew Castle on effective procurement


    'I think that there are enormous opportunities to obtain easy financial wins through the simple use of best practice supply chain management'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Ali Mohammed on performance ratings


    'What kind of employer gives most of its staff a sizeable pay rise and an expectation of the same for years to come and only then asks whether they would like to work harder or differently for the pay rise they have just been given?'

  • News

    Nicholson: let local managers drive health service reforms


    The NHS chief executive's advice to any incoming health secretary is to steer clear of further structural upheaval and allow managers to drive reform locally.

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    Frank message in Whitehall report card: must try harder


    'That three people signed off the DoH's response to a report highlighting poor leadership has caused much merriment in Whitehall'

  • News

    Exclusive interview: David vs the Goliaths of bossy government


    He wants the NHS freed from political control, he would not have voted for the smoking ban and he thinks Patricia Hewitt is the worst health secretary ever. Conservative leader David Cameron opens up to HSJ

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    New warning over Mental Health Bill


    A campaign group has outlined 'major outstanding concerns' over the Mental Health Bill, despite improvements made by MPs.

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    Czars face the axe as policy shifts


    The Department of Health looks set to phase out the 14 national czars in a move that will signal a further devolution of NHS power to the front line, HSJ understands.

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    Pandering to protests won't find answers


    'The system Mr Cameron is proposing would produce a health service reflecting local wants, not needs'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Have skills, will travel


    Overseas healthcare volunteering has long been seen as the preserve of medics and nurses - but managers are in high demand.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    New offerings on the CSIP website


    The Care Services Improvement Partnership has expanded its website. It now provides.updates on all key areas of work - including how to increase direct payments uptake for people with learning disabilities and news on the new psychological therapies pilot sites.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Climate change: NHS heeds the global warning


    Caring for the environment and caring in health often go hand in hand, as many trusts have shown, writes Alison Moore

  • HSJ Knowledge

    David Amos on stellar communications


    'Meetings, forums, networks, committees, workshops, seminars, boards, conferences - all are labels for the continual gatherings that occupy the precious time. Effective communications underpin whether these hour-guzzling interactions match their purpose'