All Mental health articles – Page 168

  • News

    NHS coping well with MTAS


    NHS organisations have coped well in difficult circumstances following changes to medical training recruitment, according to NHS Employers. The organisation said that despite unprecedented numbers of applicants, NHS trusts are confident that they will be able to provide a full and safe level of service in the next few weeks. ...

  • News

    'Blame culture' is driving staff errors underground


    Managers must eliminate the blame culture in the NHS to prevent under-reporting of safety breaches, the chief executive of the National Patient Safety Agency has warned.

  • News

    Working patterns must change for pay benefits to show


    A King’s Fund report on the impact of Agenda for Change has said the system was rushed, has exceeded all cost estimates and has yet to show anticipated benefits for patients.The report found that the intended benefits will not be felt unless changes are made to the working patterns of ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Getting to grips with employee absence


    Managers need to take decisive steps to tackle high rates of employee absence in the health service, writes Ben Willmott

  • Comment

    Emma Dent


    'With the ludicrous amount of NHS reorganisation and reconfiguration last year, either the mighty Binley's gave up, or simply stopped sending them to HSJ'

  • News

    Dementia services begin long journey out of the dark ages


    With an ageing population and fragmented care, dementia services face pressure to get their house in order. Daloni Carlisle reports on the difficulties they must overcome

  • News

    Fewer targets means more accountability


    'The reduction in targets does not mean data collection will be weakened. For example, health inequalities cannot be monitored without understanding smoking cessation, obesity and infant mortality'

  • Comment

    Protecting public and patient involvement


    The blind drive to force the introduction of local involvement networks and abolish patient and public involvement forums is dangerous and misguided.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Jenny Rogers on dysfunctional teams


    'What wrecks many noble projects is feelings, and human beings have an infinite number of ways to sabotage here'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Helen Bevan on the best practice puzzle


    'When a new idea is adopted by around 15-20 per cent of the target, it is likely to take on a life of its own and spread naturally'

  • News

    David Lawrence offers some words of advice to Mr Brown


    'Yes, Mr Brown, as you well understand, the NHS is a business operation in that it is an input-output system with desired outcomes'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Maggie Rae on righting wrongs


    'Seeing desperate poverty and inequality of life chances galvanised me and has continued to be a driving force for more than 25 years'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Myth-buster: less is more


    Spending more on healthcare could harm patients, writes Stephen Black

  • HSJ Knowledge

    National Performance Advisory Group newsletter


    Issue 13 of NPAG News, the newsletter of the National Performance Advisory Group, is now available to download. The latest issue covers benchmarking, best value groups and a hospital evacuation workshop.

  • News

    London review: everyday problems at heart of proposals


    'Darzi argues that his approach to this study - listening to Londoners, building a clinical consensus, providing evidence for the recommendations, working with the mayor and London boroughs - provides the foundations for success'

  • Comment

    Emma Dent


    'Negotiations continue on the purchase of flowery sofas and the use of pink paint on the walls'

  • News

    Darzi's review shows who has the power in the new top team


    'Most ministers can be brought to heel by threat of the sack, but not one with a global reputation well beyond politics'

  • News

    The MTAS failure is no ripple in a teacup


    The cuts in funding for junior doctors' pay and study leave were very bad management and smacked of panic measures when they were announced half-way through the financial year.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    David Lee on the members' club


    'Explaining to people that NHS trusts are becoming membership organisations, owned by their members, is not dissimilar to the believability hurdle faced by the Labour Party in the mid-1990s when it was trying to reposition itself as a tax-cutting party'

  • Comment

    Lisa Rodrigues on managing change


    'Some people think the quiet revolution in mental health, with the closure of the asylums and the introduction of community care alternatives, is a model for the rest of the NHS. But I am the first to admit that we did not.always get it right'