All Mental health articles – Page 171

  • News

    Diagnostic test waiting times released by DoH


    Diagnostics waiting times and activity data for February and the census of all diagnostic tests up to December 31 2006 have been published by the Department of Health.The data shows progress in tackling waiting times for tests such as scans. The monthly data gives the waiting times for 15 key ...

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    Emma Dent


    'Are managers walking round with clipboards counting smiles and small talk exchanges?'

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    NAO says consultants' contract is poor value


    Under the new NHS consultants' contract, consultants in England are earning on average 25 per cent more than three years ago but are working the same number of hours or less states the report from the National Audit Office.The report on the contract found that while it has the potential ...

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    Doctor's union responds to regulatory fees announcement


    The British Medical Association has responded to the Healthcare Commission's announcement to reduce its registration fees for independent doctors.The proposed reduction in the yearly registration fee is from £2,240 to £1,335.Read the response here

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    Helen Rowntree on using patient safety indicators


    The past few months have seen the beginnings of a shift in the prevailing NHS wisdom about patient safety and how best to promote and improve it. The emphasis is moving firmly towards greater openness and accountability - a point well made by Frank Burns in his recent HSJ piece ...

  • News

    RCN launches campaign for better patient nutrition


    Nearly half of nurses say they do not have enough time to ensure patients get good nutrition, a survey from the Royal College of Nursing has revealed.The findings coincide with the RCN campaign to improve patient nutrition in hospitals and the community, launched at its annual congress in Harrogate.Read the ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Formula for inspiration


    'Sheep dip', one-size-fits-all management courses do not inspire doctors to become leaders. Instilling true leadership skills is much more complex, says Jenny Simpson

  • HSJ Knowledge

    David Amos on grievances


    Groups of professionals find it remarkably difficult to talk about anything other than the day job. A cluster of doctors will swap stories - in confidence of course - about interesting and demanding patients.

  • News

    Ruth hussey on offender health services


    The growing prison population is a significant issue for both primary care and acute trusts. Just as general healthcare is moving towards prevention, so is criminality. We need to look at what the NHS and social care can do to stop people committing ...

  • News

    DoH responds to mental health report


    The Department of Health has published its response to a Joint Committee on Human Rights report on the Mental Health Bill. The report was published in February.The response took the form of a letter from health minister Rosie Winterton to the committee chair.Read the letter here

  • News

    Call to not limit mental health powers to doctors


    Unison has called for amendments to the Mental Health Bill, which limits new powers on treatment to doctors only, to be thrown out.It claims the amendments exclude experienced mental health workers including nurses and therapists from making decisions about appropriate treatment. The Bill is due to get its second reading ...

  • News

    Healthcare professionals work action plan published


    NHS trade unions, the Department of Health and NHS Employers have put together an action plan to help healthcare graduates find work.Recommendations from the plan include encouraging new graduates to apply for entry posts and talent pools of all new qualifiers.Read the press release here

  • News

    Financial squeeze cost 22,300 posts, says RCN


    More than 22,300 NHS posts have been lost in the last 18 months because of the financial crisis hitting the health service, according to a new report from the Royal College of Nursing.Our NHS: today and tomorrow claims the government's insistence that trusts balance their books last year has led ...

  • News

    Latest information for health and social services chiefs released


    The Department of Health has issued its latest bulletin for NHS and council chief executives and social services directors.It includes information about a best practice toolkit for the mental health workforce and statutory guidance on safeguarding the welfare of children.Get the bulletin here

  • Comment

    Patient safety: Avoiding blame will not remove danger


    Is the desire to establish a 'no blame' culture around patient safety becoming dangerously close to being seen as an end in itself rather than as a necessary aid to progress?

  • News

    National suicide rate at all-time low


    The National Institute for Mental Health in England today reports good progress towards the government target to reduce suicide by 20 per cent by 2010, but calls for more action to bring the rate down further.National clinical director for mental health Professor Louis Appleby said: 'The overall rate of suicide ...

  • News

    £45m funding boost for national research programmes


    The Department of Health has pledged £45m for 29 research programmes to be carried out by the National Institute for Health Research.The programmes will cover areas including mental health, children's medicines, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, stroke and neurology.Read the press release here

  • News

    Ofsted publishes children's services report


    Education regulator Ofsted has published a report on joint working in education and children's services across the country.Narrowing the gap: the inspection of children's services says partnership working between different sectors provides 'a clear strategic focus on key priorities' in meeting children's health needs.Read the report here

  • News

    Scottish Labour party vows to halve waiting times


    The Scottish Labour party has pledged to halve waiting times to 18 weeks from referral to treatment by 2011. The promise comes in the party's new manifesto, launched today.There is also a specific commitment to cut waits to see physiotherapists, clinical psychologists and chiropodists to nine weeks by the same ...

  • News

    Cash pledge for London research centres


    Two expert research centres in London have received more than £10m in funding from the Department of Health.The money is intended to drive improvements in the safety, quality and effectiveness of the services the NHS provides to patients and the public.