All Mental health articles – Page 175
HSJ Knowledge
Improved Information Centre website
What's in store on the revamped Information Centre website
Whitehall shake-out rumbles more change
'The DoH will not comment on whether posts such as director-general of commissioning will disappear rather than be filled, but is it likely that much of the spate of high-profile leavers, so far and to come, is part of a coming restructuring.'
Social enterprise schemes discover funding allocations
Social enterprise schemes will today discover their share of £1.4m of national funding, made available by care services minister Ivan Lewis.The 26 schemes from across England will receive Department of Health funding towards start-up costs, plus wider support such as training, to help them lead the way in delivering community ...
New guidance on youth-friendly services
Guidance from the Department for Health has set out principles designed to help health services become young people friendly.The You're Welcome criteria covers areas to be considered by commissioners and providers of health services.Read the guidelines here
Selbie seconded to acute trust
Duncan Selbie, director general for commissioning at the Department for Health, will go on secondment this summer as chief executive of an acute trust.The DoH will announce plans to fill the director general commissioning post at a later date.
Contract job
Trusts entering into commissioning contracts with one another need to keep their eyes on the ball. John Deffenbaugh has a few words of caution
Best practice: lessons from one of the UK's biggest consultations
A six-year consultation with 3.1 million residents of Greater Manchester and beyond, on maternal, children's and neonatal services, a rich source of learning on how to involve the public in.complex and difficult decisions
HSJ Knowledge
Trust, Assurance and Safety - the reaction
This link provides a round-up of 15 responses to the white paper Trust, Assurance and Safety - the regulation of health professionals, published by the British Medical Association, royal colleges and other major health organisations.
Department of Health business plan launched
The Department of Health has published its business plan for 2007-08. The plan includes the DoH's objectives in health and social care and in supporting ministers.Get the plan here
A 'fixed' financial system will bring a legacy of control
One of the worst-kept secrets of the last few months has been that the much-despised resource accounting and budgeting system, which penalised trusts twice for their deficits, would be scrapped at the end of the financial year.
NHS human rights framework launched
A human rights framework has been launched by the government to help NHS organisations apply a human rights-based approach to delivering healthcare.Launching Human Rights in Healthcare - a framework for local action, health minister Rosie Winterton said it had been developed with help from the British Institute of Human Rights ...
Nicholson: NHS financial system now fit for the future
NHS chief executive David Nicholson has welcomed the abolishment of the 'inconsistent and unfair' resource accounting and budgeting system.The move was announced by health secretary Patricia Hewitt following recommendations by the Audit Commission. Mr Nicholson said it will be replaced by a system that 'ensures fairness, transparency and responsibility'.Read the ...
Doctors to issue 'information prescriptions'
Doctors and other health professionals will prescribe information as well as pills under a new schemed launched by health secretary Patricia Hewitt.People with long-term conditions or social care needs will receive 'information prescriptions' to guide them to relevant information about their condition.Find out more here
New NHS London chief executive named
Ruth Carnell has been appointed chief executive of NHS London, after taking on the post on an interim basis last September when David Nicholson was appointed NHS chief executive.Mr Nicholson commented: ëI strongly believe we have found the right person to lead the NHS in London. Since she took up ...
Blair sets out principles for public service reform
Prime minister Tony Blair told a public service reform conference yesterday that changing public services must give people more power, ensure diversity of supply and offer specific help to those most in need.Mr Blair said massive increased investment in services had been needed, and had yielded more hospitals, lower waiting ...
Computer says 'yes' to more accessible therapy
Computer-based therapy for milder, but more common mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety should be made available to any patients in England who could benefit from it from April, according to health secretary Patricia Hewitt.Computerised cognitive behavioural therapy is a first-line treatment for people with anxiety and depression, ...
Hewitt to host public summit
Health secretary Patricia Hewitt is hosting a citizens' summit today for 90 members of the public who were involved in the listening exercises for the Your Health, Your Care, Your Say white paper.They will have the opportunity to discuss the implementation of the white paper since last January and the ...
New social enterprise guide published
The Social Enterprise Coalition and law firm Hempsons have published a guide on social enterprise in health and social care designed for commissioners and providers.Healthy Business includes nine case studies highlighting the diversity of social enterprises already operating in health and social care. The coalition will set up a health ...
HSJ Knowledge
Legal briefing: The Mental Capacity Act
All health care organisations need to make sure that the correct governance arrangements are in place to give effect to patients' rights and monitor application of the Act, writes Peter Marquand
HSJ Knowledge
Training school nurses in mental health
The Health Foundation is funding a project showing school nurses how to recognise and manage mental health problems in young people