All Mental health articles – Page 177

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Clinicians under the spotlight


    Tackling performance problems is rarely easy, but there is experienced support to call on. Dr Rosemary Field explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Legal briefing: patient choice and the model contract


    Under the new NHS operating framework, there will be greater competition, and far more choice for patients

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    BMA: better preparation on cultural differences needed


    UK doctors and nurses who work in developing countries would benefit from better preparation on the cultural challenges faced, a report by the British Medical Association has found.Medics surveyed for the report said shortages of resources meant health problems often led to health problems not being addressed.

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    Angela Coulter on the national patients survey


    'Access to GPs has dramatically improved!' claims the government. 'Nonsense, it's got worse!' yells the Daily Express.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    How Louth looks after older patients with mental health needs


    Louth County Hospital's in-reach team combines mental and physical healthcare for older patients, to reduce pressure on hospital beds and promote independence.

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    Get involved in bid for skills academy, employers urged


    The Learning and Skills Council has urged employers to put forward expressions of interest in developing a national skills academy for their industry.The government plans to have 12 such academies up and running across England by 2008.Read the prospectus here

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    Committee hears public involvement concerns


    The chief executive of the NHS Centre for Involvement has told the Commons health select committee that current arrangement for public involvement in NHS decision-making are not working well.Dr Jonathan Tritter told yesterday's hearing of the committee that he hoped the proposed local involvement networks would be more successful.

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    Smoking ban examption for mental health


    Mental health trust managers have been told how a one-year exemption for their buildings will operate when the new smoking regulations come into force in July.The national clinical director for mental health Professor Louis Appleby has written to mental health trust chief executives to explain where smoking will be allowed ...

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    Cuts in mental health services force rise in benefit dependency


    The numbers of people claiming incapacity benefit because they have a mental disorder has risen by nearly 300,000 to top one million, the government has revealed in a parliamentary answer. Shadow welfare minister David Ruffley blamed cuts in mental health services.See the parliamentary answer here

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    Hewitt to take part in live web chat


    Next week you will be able to quiz the health secretary about the future of the NHS in a live webchat on the Number 10 website.It will take place on Thursday 8 February from 10.45am and last for an hour. The webchat is the first in a series addressing the ...

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    New chair of NHS Litigation Authority


    Professor Dame Joan Higgins has been appointed as the new chair of the NHS Litigation Authority.Dame Joan is Emeritus Professor of Health Policy at the University of Manchester and outgoing chair of the Christie Hospital Trust. She is also chair of the patient information advisory group at the Department of ...

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    Voluntary organisations to share £23.9m pot


    Around 700 voluntary and community sector organisations will share a £23.9m pot of government grants, according to care services minister Ivan Lewis.The Department of Health's section 64 scheme will give an average of £44,000 to fund 132 new grants and 256 continuing grants. The Opportunities for Volunteering scheme will have ...

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    Ethnicity and health


    This document reviews the evidence on ethnic health inequalities, the causes and policy options. It is a useful document for parliamentarians working on the policy options for tackling ethnic inequalities in health.

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    Calls for mental health emphasis in primary care


    Policy makers should ensure opportunities to improve mental health in primary care are always considered, according to a report by the Mental Health Foundation and the Pharmaceutical Schizophrenia Initiative.The report Primary Concerns: A better deal for mental health in primary caresays practice-based commissioning needs ...

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    Unions: NHS chaplaincy services being slashed


    Amicus and the College of Health Care Chaplains have claimed the NHS chaplaincy service is under attack after compiling a list of areas where services have been cut.The organisations claim chaplains are seen as soft targets for cost cutting.

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    Five-point plan for older people's services unveiled


    NHS national director for older people's services Professor Ian Philp has recommended a five-point plan to improve older people's services.His report Recipe for Carehighlights: early intervention; long-term conditions management; early supported discharge; acute hospital care when needed; and partnership working.Professor Philp acknowledged that this ...

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    New patient experience scores published


    The Department of Health has published updated patient experience scores for the public service agreement to take account of its 2005-06 primary care trust survey and the latest patient survey results for community mental health services.The overall score for primary care fell from 77.4 to 77.0, with a higher score ...

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    Neil Goodwin on the training challenge for NHS managers


    'Foundation trusts will need to lead the way in learning to establish effective working relationships with their investors, namely primary care trusts and practice-based commissioners, and being proactive in discussing future strategy.'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    New improved information catalogue


    An improved information catalogue, with enhanced search facilities, has been launched

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    Roger Noon on six immediate steps to better change management


    I don't envy the leaders of PCTs. Following the recent rationalisation programme, they are under more pressure than ever to deliver improvements in healthcare within tight budgets and aggressive timescales. This against a backdrop of continuous political, policy, regulatory and clinical change.